
  • Since my last update, I have renamed the project to HexaPA, due to pending trademark of the abbreviation "GPT" by OpenAI. PA suffix is a better name for it anyway, whether it stands for "Productivity Accelerator" (which is the whole purpose of this software) or "Personal Assistant".
  • I added tooltips that show up at the bottom of the screen when the mouse hovers over a button, entry or textbox.
  • I also added export feature, which exports it to JSON for now. I plan to add CSV, and a simple plain text support, as well. (JSON is vital for those who may want to preserve conversations when updating...) The last 2 images shows what rules and context ware sent to the AI in the debug output, and also that the export contains the block IDs for the same rules and context for the prompt. (The highlighted stuff on both images.) Thus the exported JSON can be used to fully reconstruct and/or analyze the conversation. This may be essential if it is ever used for training data, or to investigate why the AI responded a certain way since the context can be cherry picked by the user, so it's no longer just a linear conversation...
  • I updated the token counter to work with generated context, as it was still not counting the context tokens.
  • I also restructured some code, which is not a visible change, but vital for maintenance.
  • I fixed a token limit bug. (It was limiting individual messages to the set value not the entire rules + context + prompt.)
  • And finally published the first pre-release, since it is now a fairly usable AI chat application like ChatGPT.

Available on github: https://github.com/RPBCACUEAIIBH/HexaPA