Convention news- the Vivid Publishing team is being welcomed to Megaplex this year.

We were looking for a good venue to do something special, and we found it- in the Dealer’s Room this year, we'll run a playable sample of the Dreamkeepers video game. 

Come visit Dave, Liz, Geo, Bone, and possibly more Vivid authors, and give the video game sample a whirl while you’re at it.
I wouldn’t call it a full demo, but you will be able to run around as Mace and get a sense of the game’s kinaesthetics. 

You’ll also be able to check out David’s exclusive panel on Crowdfunding, tips to dodge failure and achieve success. 

All this in a tropical paradise resort.

...Admittedly I may have more than business on the mind in my excitement to be at Megaplex.

Anyone else who can make it, we’ll love to see you there! Bring your sunscreen, it’ll be bright by the pool.