A bit of cleanup today
Dear Stars,
Some subscribers had payment cards that had expired or insufficient funds in their account.
In March, we cancelled some inactive subscriptions that had gone unpaid for a fair period of time.
Prior to cancellation, we had contacted these subscribers multiple times to give them an opportunity to pay. The subscribers affected by the cancellation had been unable to access your content during this unpaid period.
We are always in touch with your subscribers and it helps to increase the number of re-subscribed users by 10-15%.
Do you have plans to add features such as *Remove a Subscriber* and the ability to manually checkbox particular subscribers to send them a mass message?
I had to renew my subscription today, even though my card never expired and funds were always available. But I still cannot log into Anthony Patch to view videos. I'm confused.
Can I please expedite my signup? I'm willing to do whatever is needed to get my account up and running.
I responded with my new card now what do I do
Can I please expedite my signup? I'm willing to do whatever is needed to get my account up and running.