Announcement: A merchant sample will be going up tomorrow at 6:30 AM Pacific standard time.  Get ready for a glimpse into the next story arc of The Willowsbrook Chronicles. 

Gunther will have closure with his mother figure, meet his actual parents, and have a run in with an evil God. And while at it he'll receive a baking challenge that will put his culinary skill to the test. With the prize being the freedom and soul of himself and his friends. 

The stakes are high as Spirit's Eve approaches on the world of Lavokia.

Merchant's Samples is a benefit available to those of Merchant Patron Statius or higher. Membership can be purchase for the monthly price of 6 Minds tokens or $7.50 on Minds and Subscribestar. You make the choice you decide what you want. 

Become a patron today and get some great benefits. There's wonder and imagination coming starting tomorrow on Minds and Subscribestar.