Greetings Dreamers,

While I wait for my page to be reviewed and verified, I have been busy at work worrying myself about whether this was the right direction for me to go in. For me, it like leaping into the abyss, both feet first.

I feel that I should start out by explaining that I have not come to this table empty handed, I have two manuscripts that I consider to be in a releasable state, despite only having self editing and close personal connections informing me of what needs fixing. As soon as I have made it through the review process, I will release parts of both, for which you can express your interest in which one you, the Dreamers, would like to see all of first. My focus will then be on improving that particular story, to be sent to the printing press within six months (June, electronic copies as soon as the story is ready).

I do not style myself as the next J.R.R. Tolkien, J.K. Rowling, G.R.R. Martin, or any of the other great escapists of this period of history, my only hope is that I may draw you into the visions of the other worlds that I receive, and maybe make you forget about the mundane for a little while.


K.v. Dromen