Krasvogel van Dromen profile
Krasvogel van Dromen
Krasvogel van Dromen
Scryer and chronicler of other worlds
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You have yet to enter the Realm, but you are getting close.

Electronic copy of any new release/access to any old releases

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per month

You have taken your first steps into the Realm. You'll be there shortly.

A soft cover version of any new work (minimum 3 months)

A soft cover copy of any older work (minimum 4 months/book)

0 subscribers
per month

You are in the Realm, you're along for the ride.

Hard cover copy of any new release (minimum 2 months)

Hard cover copy of any old release (minimum 4 months)

0 subscribers
per month
Lucid Dreamer

You have learnt much in the Realm, you control it to your whim.

Hard and Soft cover of any new release (minimum 2 months)

Hard and Soft cover of any old release (minimum 4 months)

Beta Reader

0 subscribers
per month
Night Scryer

The Realm itself caves before your will, nothing is hidden from your sight.

Leather bound copy of any new release (Minimum 12 months)

Hard and soft cover copy of any new release (minimum 1 month)

Hard and soft cover copy of any old release (minimum 1 month)

Beta Reader

0 subscribers


  • A young scribe with the gift of parallel sight.
  • Scrying and chronicling adventures partaken by those unseen by others
  • Basically an aspiring author who wants to self publish

The subscription gives you:
  • Access to Star's profile content.
  • Ability to support your Star by pledging – one-time or recurring.
  • Means to reaching out to the Star directly via Instant Messenger.


to reach
the Goal
Commision artists to create visuals from my stories including characters and key scenes
to reach
the Goal
"Family portrait" all characters drawn together in a large-family style portrait
to reach
the Goal
I can quit my mundane job, allowing me to focus solely on writing, decreasing production time.
to reach
the Goal
Aim high, if we can get to this goal, I will approach an artist about doing a visual novel.

Other stars


The subscription gives you:
  • Access to Star's profile content.
  • Ability to support your Star by pledging – one-time or recurring.
  • Means to reaching out to the Star directly via Instant Messenger.
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