Krasvogel van Dromen profile
Krasvogel van Dromen
Krasvogel van Dromen
Scryer and chronicler of other worlds
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  • A young scribe with the gift of parallel sight.
  • Scrying and chronicling adventures partaken by those unseen by others
  • Basically an aspiring author who wants to self publish

Krasvogel van Dromen
Public post

Greetings Dreamers,

Due to my own failings, lack of ability to market myself, and being social media inept, I am announcing early, that I will be focusing on Zodiac's Guardians, as the subject of my first published book. I have already found someone who is willing to do an editorial assessment, and we will go from there.

I will release more information in regards to progress in the future. However, for now, you will not hear much from me, I already have enough voices in my head without adding to my problem.

Humbly, Krasvogel

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Krasvogel van Dromen
Public post

Greetings Dreamers,

As an add-on to the last post, I will be making a final decision for which story will be the focus on the 7th of February.

Humbly, K.v. Dromen

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Krasvogel van Dromen
Public post

Greetings Dreamers,

With mixed feelings I am somewhat happy, nervous and excited to announce that I have been approved to leap into the abyss with both feet. I cannot speak for everyone when I say that this endeavour is like baring my soul to the world, my life's (so far) work on display to be appreciated or hated as seen fit by those who lay eyes upon it.

As promised in my last post, I am uploading the first three chapters of two stories that I consider to be in a state fit for general enjoyment. Please feel free to leave your feedback whether it be criticism or otherwise, as well as expressing which one you would like to see the entirety of first.

I hope to be able to stick to the time frame I have given (with the final manuscript being sent to the printer by mid-late June), even if no interest is expressed I will be sending one of the stories to the printer and releasing it online.

Now, without further nervous blustering, I give you the first three chapters of "Zodiac's Guardians: Nebula", and "The Chronicles of Nimrine". Please be aware that both are only previews and not the final product, as everything is subject to editing and changes based on feedback and my whim.

Humbly, K.v. Dromen

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Krasvogel van Dromen
Public post

Greetings Dreamers,

While I wait for my page to be reviewed and verified, I have been busy at work worrying myself about whether this was the right direction for me to go in. For me, it like leaping into the abyss, both feet first.

I feel that I should start out by explaining that I have not come to this table empty handed, I have two manuscripts that I consider to be in a releasable state, despite only having self editing and close personal connections informing me of what needs fixing. As soon as I have made it through the review process, I will release parts of both, for which you can express your interest in which one you, the Dreamers, would like to see all of first. My focus will then be on improving that particular story, to be sent to the printing press within six months (June, electronic copies as soon as the story is ready).

I do not style myself as the next J.R.R. Tolkien, J.K. Rowling, G.R.R. Martin, or any of the other great escapists of this period of history, my only hope is that I may draw you into the visions of the other worlds that I receive, and maybe make you forget about the mundane for a little while.


K.v. Dromen

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Krasvogel van Dromen
Public post

Greetings Travellers,

I am Krasvogel van Dromen, a scryer and scribe of worlds not of this one. It is my intention to chronicle the adventures of these worlds and share them with you, however, as with any world, gold is always an issue. Those of you who wish to subscribe to me, know that the majority of the money will be going towards publishing these stories, travelling to and attending events, while anything left over goes towards making my life just a little bit easier.

I am currently planning on working on a 24 month schedule (subject to change as my lack of experience may demand), with the first twelve months being to create, the next six months for the first round of beta reading and feedback, the subsequent month for final edits and then the final two months for printing/receiving/signing/shipping.

For now, I hope that you will join me, and let me take you to places that only exist within the Realm.

K.v. Dromen

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Star Stats

5 posts


to reach
the Goal
Commision artists to create visuals from my stories including characters and key scenes
to reach
the Goal
"Family portrait" all characters drawn together in a large-family style portrait
to reach
the Goal
I can quit my mundane job, allowing me to focus solely on writing, decreasing production time.
to reach
the Goal
Aim high, if we can get to this goal, I will approach an artist about doing a visual novel.

Other stars


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  • Means to reaching out to the Star directly via Instant Messenger.
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