Hong Kong is a Test! (The Full Story) -- This is broken down into four parts elsewhere as well.

The Chinese Government Learn a Harsh Lesson in 1989 - The Art of War (Part 1):
You need to understand what is REALLY happening in Hong Kong!  It's not what it seems.
First, when you see May Day parades in communist countries or countries with hard line governments (Soviet Union, North Korea), you need to know some of the missiles and weapons being presented are basically cardboard fakes or items being held together with glue, or duct tape and a little paint.
Videos exist of weapons falling apart during training exercises; of sound effects being added to simulated weapons being fired and fakery of all kinds to make people think the soldiers of these various countries stand ready to do battle.
The problem is a group of causal events are coming to a head in China.  These events are primarily led by the male-female ratio that came about as an Unintended Consequence of China's attempt to reduce its population growth.  This causes the entire problem and we'll cover it last.  First we need to get to Hong Kong:
Hong Kong is a test of the military, a test of the civilian leadership, the soldiers in the field and those in charge of the soldiers.  It is an attempt to re-affirm the Tiananmen Square readiness of China's soldiers and it is not looking good.
It is now late 2019.  In 1989 a LARGE group of Chinese citizens learned first hand the list of freedoms their government claimed they had as Chinese citizens was a false construct.  The Chinese's PEOPLE'S Army murdered a large group of the Chinese people it had sworn to serve and protect.  At that point it was revealed that no matter what else was written or said, the only thing the People's Army served were the People Ruling China -- PRC used to stand for People's Republic of China.
Now it does not.
This was all learned in a square containing the Monument to the People's Heroes, the Great Hall of the People, the National Museum of China, and the Mausoleum of Mao Zedong; all items which the leadership always claimed reflected the importance of the Chinese people in their country.  A square in which the people learned they were not the important part of their country but rather just the carpet the leadership tread upon when needed.
Currently the events at Hong Kong are a test of the military as a follow-up to Tiananmen Square.  Back when China was providing troops in Vietnam and Korea, they had an endless supply of men they could send into battle, with broken rifles or not.  The farms and collectives contained enough starving, ignorant people, that when the trucks rolled in to round up new recruits, the farmers just treated it as another event in the doldrums of their lives.  They jumped in the trucks as commanded, put on the newer clothes, grabbed the working or not working rifles, and then they were shipped or marched to the strongholds the (mostly American) resistance had in place in either Vietnam, Korea, Cambodia or wherever the Chinese military leaders needed bodies to lead into battle followed by the soldiers with working weapons.
Once on site, the poorly trained, poorly equipped former farmers rushed headlong into the American bullets in endless waves.  More than one American squad leader reported his troops did not die because of superior soldiers but simply because the enemy never stopped coming!  Troopers simply ran out of bullets and were overrun by the never ending sea of enemy combatants.
That was then.  Move ahead to 1989 and the Tiananmen Square protests.  A lot had changed in China.  China was no longer an isolated super power but was now being bombarded by concepts and ideals that were at odds with Mao Zedong, one of the men who created and ruled Communist China from the beginning.  Before he died, he had converted and transformed the country into a vast land of people who sheepishly did as they were told.
These new, outside influences corrupted the sheepish aspects of some of those able to taste other ideas and found non-state regulated concepts they wanted to explore; freedoms they, as members of the People's Republic of China, wanted to adopt.
Sadly, these people discovered the army was no longer the People's Army and were killed in a massive military wave.
BUT something happened in Tiananmen.  Something that disturbed the Chinese leaders in a deep, deep way:  One lone Chinaman stood up and stopped an advancing line of tanks.  The lead tank in a convoy line of tanks refused to simply run down this lone citizen and a short stalemate resulted.
This startled the Chinese leadership.  When the Leaders said "Jump" the result was that soldiers started jumping until they died or until they were told to stop.  Suddenly it occurred to the Chinese leaders that they were not in as firm a command of their soldiers as they should have been.
They just ordered the massacre of the citizens in the square and yet here was a trooper's refusal to kill one man.  The leadership FORCED the army to jump when commanded to do so.  Soldiers who refused to kill their fellow citizens were killed on the spot in front of the other soldiers.
This follows the lessons and writing of the Chinese War philosopher, Sun Tzu and his texts covering "The (Ancient) Art of War."  Legends says that in once instance, Sun Tzu claimed to the Emperor of China that in a month (or some set time period) he and a few hand picked soldiers could train 1,000 court "palace girls" to beat 1,000 of the Emperor's troops.  In the story, as Sun Tzu begins training the girls, he divides them into squads.  Each squad chooses a leader.  Sun Tzu gives all the squads a task to perform, a simple thing like building a mound of dirt or marching a set distance. The task is to be completed by the next morning.
Thinking this is all just a fun thing; the assigned tasks are not completed and the women just played around in their place.
The next morning, Sun Tzu has his leadership soldiers to summon all the "girl warriors" to the parade grounds and into their squads.  He then orders the squad leaders to explain why the command given the previous day was not carried out.  After listening to the excuses, he then orders his soldiers to chop the heads off the squad leaders' right in front of the assembled "girl" troops.  All the women are shaken and overwhelmed by what they have just seen.  After the women are brought back to order, he orders each squad to choose a new leader and then gives the new squad leader the order to complete some simple task.
Each time a squad fails to complete a task, the squad leader is executed in front of her squad and a new leader is chosen,
Eventually a time comes when given tasks are completed.  As the training continues, the women are trained in the Art of War and, using Sun Tzu's methods, wipe out the Emperor's troops when they are sent to battle each other.
The troopers who refused to attack the protesters in the square were executed on the spot, no questions ask.  This "convinced" the other troops to destroy the protesters as instructed.
Thirty Years Later: 2019 in Hong Kong and Here Come the Men! (Part 2):
Now jump ahead 30 years from 1989 to 2019.  China has problems: A HUGE number of problems.  Like all corrupt governments, China is beginning to be eaten from the inside out by corrupt leaders and corrupt leadership practices.  The flaws of any government structure grow and are magnified as time passes and the government grows.
China has many flaws, one of which, in the military's eyes, the number of farmers is being overwhelmed by citizens who work in or support offices and business operations.
The military can no longer pull up transport trucks to a location and order the assembled men to jump into the truck to be delivered to battle.  The needed men explain to those trying to gather up soldiers that the Wang Widget Report is due Monday morning and they can't possibly go to war because if the Wang Widget Report doesn't get filed, then Lee Larder Inventory won't be completed, which means …
Which means the military cannot load up trucks like they used to.
In addition to this, these Men in Suits have seen Die Hard movies, Rambo flicks, and Jackie Chan action adventures.  They know which end of the barrel a bullet comes out and they know when the weapon they've been given fails to work.
Finally, a farmer is used to walking 20 hours a day.  These office workers cannot even walk for more than 30 minutes at a stretch.
The military may lack the bodies it once had.  The bodies are there, but they are not the same simple, ignorant masses the Military once had at its beck and call.
Finally there's the real reason for this event in Hong Kong and it's not because of anything you think.  All of the previous factors are adding to a HUGE problem China has coming:
The Boys are becoming Men!
Years ago, some smart people in China ran projections and realized that unless they did something drastic, the population of the country would soon overwhelm the entire structure.
In classic heavy handed fashion, the Chinese Leaders declared that all families would be restricted to one child each.
Then the Laws of Unintended Consequences kicked in.
First of all, China had outlawed religions.  Religions are competitors to Communist, Socialist and Dictatorship governments.  Religious people will do amazing things for an afterlife made of soft existence and every want taken care of.  Thus the hardships of real life can be directly at odds with the commands of a religion and the religion will win.
Cut off my head?  Fine;   I'll laugh at you from Paradise.
With Religions gone, a lot of religious precepts went with it, like the outcomes of childbirth.  Most religions consider children, all children, good things.  Some children are more useful than others, but overall, you take a chance, God grants you a child and you run with it.
In China, the lack of God meant abortions are not considered as sinful as in a religious culture.  Abortions are allowed.  So when the parents learn the single allowed child growing in a womb is a girl and not a boy, the knives and coat hangers come out.
You see, in China girls are fine.  They are fine cooks.  They are fine cleaners.  They sew pretty darn well and fetch water.  And when it comes to making babies, they do so at an acceptable rate.
However, a man can plow a field, build you a home, fight off bandits, and, most important of all, they take care of you when you are old.  When you marry off a girl, she leaves your family and when you get old and sick, she would be too busy caring for her husband's family to care for you.
So it is better to have a boy fetus than a girl fetus and quicker than you can say "Roe verses Wade," the unwanted girls fetuses are removed.
While this is not done universally in China, it is done with such frequency that there are a lot more males being born than females.  This causes other problems.  While it is widely believed that females pick their mates, it is forgotten that men choose which females to chase.
Suddenly not only does China have more boys than girls, but not all the girls are worth mating.  So the ratio of boys to girls grows larger.
Suddenly the boys are becoming men.  In addition to doing fake battles, young men want young girls.  They want mates.  They want to make babies!
But the river of girls is shallow.  So the men do what comes naturally:  They begin to battle other men for the right to impregnate the chosen woman.  The men who have won the right before this naturally resist losing their hard fought for baby machines and battle back.
When men start battling each other, they usually look up the chain of command for a better spot to battle from and to defend their acquisition from others who desire the prize they have acquired, they look for a spot to defend "her" from others.
The Chinese government suddenly realizes that eventually these horny bastards will start looking at the Chinese Leaders as the cause of these problems and the Leadership realizes they need to solve the problem of too many men in a time honored way:
They need to kill off the males in a war.
China has TOO MANY MEN!  China Needs a War! (Part 3):
China has too many men and it needs a war to kill off a large collection of them.
The problems are many:  They lack warriors.  They lack simple farmers easily controlled.  They lack simple citizens who are unfamiliar with weapons.  They lack men who will follow orders without question.
But how deep is the problem?  How deep into the military does the corruption run and how deep into the military does the lack of controllable troops run?
China needs a test location, but where?  Military tests are best performed in-country and under controlled conditions.  Outcomes need analyzed, processes need explored, troop readiness and control needs review.  But where can the military conduct such actions in China without disrupting Chinese control of the various regions?
Hong Kong!
Assemble a good section of the army and send it to Hong Kong.  We can judge our weapons, our command readiness, our troop strengths AND the ability to order our citizens into death while in uniform!
Unfortunately Chinese leaders are discovering the issues I've already mentioned:  The weapons are fake, the soldiers unfit, the soldiers unwilling, and the leadership weak.
They also discover the citizens of Honk Kong are like those in Tiananmen Square multiplied by THOUSANDS!  They are willing to fight to retain the freedoms they enjoy.  They know the death they will suffer if they give in.
So they fight back.
And they will lose.
They WILL lose.
The Chinese Leadership, while learning about their own flaws, has something those in Hong Kong don't:  An endless supply of bodies to throw at the citizens of Hong Kong.  There are still enough ignorant farmers in China that can be given new uniforms, broken weapons and taken to the Honk Kong border and sent into battle until they overwhelm the citizens of Hong Kong.
In War, Hong Kong will lose.  
Hong Kong does have ONE weapon the Chinese Military lacks the skill to deal with.  It is the one weapon those in Hong Kong might be able to use to survive and perhaps even win their battle.
The World Wide Web.
The people in Hong Kong have the internet and all the people of the world who see this as a one-dimension event: An Evil Central Government trying to oppress freedom loving citizens using brutal processes to do so.
But those in Hong Kong will still lose.  China simply has TOO MANY men.  Even importing slave girls from Vietnam and local other regions is not helping.  Those women coming to China are not the pure women a horny, hunting man wants to find.  These women coming from 'Nam are cast offs, and cast offs for good reasons.  The desirable women in 'Nam are already claimed and are difficult to acquire, difficult to successfully import.
China will still need a war to bleed off its male population after Hong Kong is resolved.
Hong Kong Is A Test! Preparation For WHERE? (Part 4):
So you see: Hong Kong is a test.  It is a test of men, weapons, leadership and the ability of the Chinese Leaders to order men to march into death.  It is a test to determine what corrective measures will be needed go to war AND it will determine what kind of meat grinder China needs to create.
That comes next.  Once the cheers from defeating Hong Kong had subsided and the corrective measures are in place, China will begin looking for an absolutely irrational war to start.  It will be a senseless war for the given reason, but a purposeful war for the needed reason:  Kill off as many Chinese males as possible.
But where?  Where will this next event take place?  What are the options?
Taiwan?  Yes, Mainland China has claimed Taiwan for decades.  But Taiwan has so many protectors, including the United States, that invading Taiwan could REALLY produce some HUGE unintended consequences.  Plus it is not accessible by land.  
When shoveling men into a meat grinder, it works better when you do not have to use ships to move the men.  Ships prevent the quick transportation of massive amounts of soldiers.  
In addition to this, if you thought the Chinese land based equipment is in poor shape, you have no idea how much worse the navy is.  Also, when a troop ship sinks you cannot measure which of those drowning troops would have been super soldiers and which would have been failures.  The open sea tends to take both in equal amounts.
So Taiwan is dangerous for multiple reasons.
Japan?  Yes, China owes Japan for many ancient insults and actions the Japanese committed against China.  These events still enrage some Chinese leaders even in this day and age.  But Japan has an even large support base than Taiwan does and even more countries would defend it.
Japan is an even worse choice than Taiwan.
There is a list of things needed:  There needs to be an opposing land based army.  A country the Chinese troops could be marched into battle as one formidable army with a week's worth of rations -- the soldiers would strip additional meals off the fallen.  
There needs to be a battle location in which man-to-man combat provides incentives and visible results that can be measured by the Chinese Government.
Second it would be handy if the country had a lot of ignorant citizen-farmers that could be constricted, be given worthless weapons and marched into battles without questions like China did decades ago.
It would also help if the country if the country was still technically at war with someone.
Therefore, ladies and gentlemen, I give you my predictions and what is really going on:
Hong Kong is a test.  It is a test of the military in preparation of China needing a sense of how easily it can bleed off its males in a senseless war.
After the results of Hong Kong, no matter that those may be, China will start a senseless war.  It will be a war in which (please listen closely) No Amount of Logic or Pleading Will Prevent.
After Hong Kong, China will start a senseless, bloody battle with:
South Korea.
The reason given will be over some small, senseless thing.  Someone will fart during dinner.  The salad fork will be placed on the wrong side of the plate.  The South Korean president's tie will be too wide.
No amount of begging, pleading or capitulation will prevent a massive, bloody invasion of troops from North Korea into the South.  North Koreas will lead the very thin first wave, but they will be slaughtered as much by the Chinese behind them as the South Korean defenders in front of them.
And as soon as China has slaughtered enough of its males as need or has won as much land as is possible, the war will be suspended -- under new conditions.
So:  Hong Kong is a test to determine what is needed to invade South Korea so as to reduce the number of horny males in China who would, eventually, overthrow the current government.
I Am Sielow, These are my words.
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