Waylon, hailing from Galae on the continent of Avagaria. (Across the North Marium Ocean East of Astria) Novarian Descendant of the former Crimson Dominion Colonists. 

Spoiling you this week, while I make more content. An early inside of what it looks like the Conceptual phase. We shall be tweaking him over the coming days to match up with the fluff. My favorite part is refining them until we find the character. It's like Archeology, slowly bit by bit, our artists find them, bringing Text to life, to color!

lore snack: The Federal Republic of Galae
Avagaria, the Savage lands, first colonized by the Crimson Dominion after the first Astro Crimson War as an expedition to find new trade goods to help pay for their mercenary armies following the fall of their colonies in Southern Astria, the Crimson Colonies of Avagaria became a part of the Astrian Empire following the Second Astro - Crimson War a few centuries back as the treaty stipulated the release of Cilicia and the withdrawal of all their colonial holdings outside of Hellastro. Galae gained it's official independence from the Empire only a few decades ago. The empire lacking resources to maintain its far-reaching holdings after Centuries' war against the Nephiric Invaders. Which only recently, has been halted at the battle of Broken Storms by the previous Emperor of Astria. 

Galae's faith while originating from the Celestial Temple, has forsaken the teachings of the Silver Prophet. Interpreting the mandate as more of a power grab by the Vahlan line. The new Splinter faith that formed from the StarBorn Pantheon would be known as Celestial Singularity. The religiously inclined Astrian would view this as an affront, to the StarBorn Pantheon. A renaissance of the more Paganistic practices of Monotheism. They maintain the Virtues of the Silver Prophet, but they reject the notion that Canor's line was chosen to safeguard mankind until the StarBorn Pantheon sent down their savior to guide them against the Corrupted One in the Eternal War.

As the Empire's power has declined, the autonomy of the various far-reaching provinces has grown. While the Astrians believe in their divine mandate to unify mankind. Many former regions like Galae, must survive alone without the legendary legions to safeguard them against the great unknown. Galae is incapable of fielding professional armies due to the lack of centralization throughout their holdings. 

Following their independence, wealthy nobles were quick to hijack the fledgling republic, utilizing their power and wealth establishing Dukedoms, the various dukes to avoid civil war elect an Arch Duke, once elected this Arch Duke will act as a sort of head of state. While the dukedoms have treaties to protect one another, the FRG is a mess, with some dukedoms using their own forms of currency. Even occasionally having territorial skirmishes over new regions and disputed borders. 

Culturally the people of Galae are somewhat of a melting pot most predominately hailing from Astria but also Novaria, Cilicia and the various Konungr's of Kardovia. Though the Astrian Tradition holds stronger in most of the densely populated areas. On occasion, the various tribals of Avagaria will be absorbed into this pot. While advanced, Galae lacks the power to extend its influences further into Avagaria, as large portions of the initial population have begun migrating to the new country "Confederacy of Baster" that is in the south of Avagaria bordering the large mountains of the southern continent of Vaztii. Those disgruntled by the nobility, looking for a more "Pure" Republic.