TO FLY WEST (towards TAIWAN) ostensibly to continue to Indonesia for  parachute insertion at the Garuda Shield training exercise...
GENERAL CHARLIE FLYNN is still at the helm of US ARMY PACIFIC COMMAND and is quoted in this asia.nikkei article as the source.  TAIWAN is going hot RIGHT NOW before the US military is totally gutted by the Biden administration.  Flynn stated that Japan has never participated in this exercise before.  Japan also sent a delegation to Taipei to reassure the government that even after the assassination of Shinzo Abe, Japan's support for their ally Taiwan is bipartisan and resolute. The delegation, which contained former and current high officials and defense ministers made the statement of solidarity before their return to Japan on Saturday, July 30, 2022. The navies of twenty six nations (including Japan and the USA) are also assembling in the Indo-Pacific to kick off the annual RIMPAC exercises to begin Monday, August 1st.  If on schedule, this massive armada will be assembled when Americans go to bed Sunday night.  The USS Ronald Reagan aircraft carrier battlegroup is known to alteady be in the region, and Chinese PLA land and naval forces are conducting live-fire "drills" IN THE TAIWAN STRAIT!

By Pastor Sam Honnold
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-Pastor Sam