It’s impossible to go on the Internet right now without seeing the face of Swedish environmental activist Greta Thunberg. Although it seems like Thunberg is just getting her 15 minutes of fame, her synchronised appearance across all media may be more than a coincidence. Former black magician Viktor Hellman, who previously discussed the occult significance of the Christchurch mosque shootings, asks some questions of the Greta Thunberg circus.

The two basic schools of magic, as has been described at length elsewhere, are white and black. White magic means to effect change by controlling oneself, and black magic means to effect change by controlling others. As this page discusses extensively in many places, there is a panoply of different ways that other people can be controlled: physical, emotional, mental and spiritual chains are all possible.

Black magic is control by fear. Fear makes people timid, and this is the basis of the word intimidation. The purpose of intimidation is to bend another person’s will to your own, and this is achieved by invoking in them the emotion of fear, which saps their will to resist. Hence, black magic could be said to be the art of intimidation.

What does any of this have to do with Greta Thunberg?

Occasionally, the powers that be take it upon themselves to use their control of the mass media to perform black magic rituals that spread fear among the viewers for the sake of bringing them to heel. The mass media is a tremendous technology for spreading information through the population, and it can spread emotions just as effectively.

When the emotion being spread is fear, the mass media lowers the frequency of the entire population, making them depressed and putting them on edge. This combines to have the effect of making them submissive. The apparatus of propaganda, especially the television, are essential components of this.

9/11 is perhaps the greatest known example of a mass public black magic ritual. The 9/11 ritual was used to manufacture consent for the invasions of Afghanistan and Iraq, on the grounds that both of these nations were harbouring terrorists responsible for the attacks. The emotional logic – never publicly stated – was that those nations were responsible for the fear that was felt by the American people on 9/11 and in ensuing days.

Anyone unwilling to support an attack on the countries were, according to the dark logic, standing on the same side as the perpetrators of 9/11. As George W Bush famously stated: “You’re either with us or against us.” Out of fear, the rest of the world stood aside and allowed America to deliver an arse-kicking upon both Afghanistan and Iraq.

But still, what does any of this have to do with Greta Thunberg?

It’s no secret that there exists a depopulation agenda in the minds of certain elites who view the masses as “useless eaters”. Many have calculated that the imperative to save the world from climate change will necessitate a sharp reduction in the human population, whether that population wants it or not.

The world elites, therefore, have a need to manufacture consent for the drastic measures they may be about to take to protect the world’s environment. Thunberg’s deeply emotive rhetoric of doom might be intended to manufacture consent for ecofascist moves, such as the depopulation of Africa, the phasing out of fossil fuels, banning pet ownership or the abolition of meat consumption.

It’s entirely plausible that the Greta Thunberg Show is a calculated, planned black magic ritual intended to strike fear into those who would be opposed to forthcoming ecofascist measures. Because there is belief, in some quarters, that climate change is an existential threat, some feel justified in taking almost any measure to prevent it.

Greta Thunberg might not be as spectacularly effective as 9/11 was, but neither is she the elite’s only card. There may be more like her, or other psyops intended to get people to be more afraid (something that could, ironically, make them consume more). We may see news of plague outbreaks, famines, wars or mass refugee movements. More fear, more control.


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