The Untitled Update - 03/22


At long last, I'm pleased to announce the completion of my entry for TRXN's final Scooby-Doo Cornetto collab! The good news is that this will be the last collab I'm joining until TUP 2.4 is completed! (Well, maybe a short entry for Tube Poop: Story Mode, but emphasis on "short") The bad news is I think I'll need to take another short break from YTP. Even taking the chaos in my personal life combined with burnout from my recent YTP work, I also think I need to go back to the drawing board for the next episode of The Untitled Project. In addition to getting new ideas, I've also enhanced some of my toolset by finally taking a look at Runway as an alternative to After Effects and finding value in both tools. While AE's rotobrush works pretty well for Adventure Time characters, Runway's machine learning seems to work pretty well with other, more difficult, animated sources. There's value in both, of course, and these new possibilities opens the door for interesting story ideas I would not have otherwise considered.

tl;dr: My collab work is done, and, after a short break (~1 month), I'll be back at The Untitled Project with my full attention. As mentioned previously, subscribers on SubscribeStar can have the chance to see my The Mitchell Bunch collab entry in advance, coming late April alongside the aforementioned Scooby-Doo collab entry in June.