Psychic Focus on ACE2 Receptors Gateway for Beer Bug - Why is this important?
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Q.  I saw where they found a connection between the beer bug and ACE2 Receptors.  Apparently the more receptors a person has, the greater the chance of contracting and having a difficult time with this bug.  What are your thoughts on this connection?
ACE2 is a protein on the surface of many cell types. It is an enzyme that generates small proteins by cutting up the larger protein angiotensinogen.  That then goes on to regulate functions in the cell.  Using the spike-like protein on its surface, the "beer bug" binds to ACE2 – like a key being inserted into a lock  prior to entry and infection of cells. Hence, ACE2 acts as a cellular doorway – a receptor – for the "thing" that causes the beer bug.

A.  When I focus on this I recall previous readings where I understood that the intention of this "illness" was to thin out the population and target certain groups.  This illness uses ACE2 receptors to attach and attack the cells.  This causes harm to the body because if a large amount of receptors are impacted all at once it makes it difficult to recover because the immune system is bombarded.   
As I take a broader look, I see that is why most (but not all) people with certain medical issues or habits (like smoking) are impacted more.  The elderly (most generally) have more ACE2 receptors than younger people.  These are also the people that Bill G would like to see go as they are usually the ones using more medical care (and the elderly are retired, drawing Medicare/Medicaid and not putting back into the tax system). 
THEN something strange happened.  I watched myself mentally step backward and expand on my thinking even more.  Not only are there certain categories of people they are targeting (elderly, morbidity factors) there are certain pockets of the world they would like to thin.  This isn't just a "get rid of the elderly" type of manufactured illness, there are certain areas of the world being targeted too.  
As that thought came through to me I was guided to look up a chart as to what nationalities have the highest amount of ACE2 receptors.  This was random as I RARELY pause to look something up because I don't want to break my flow.  (You may find the chart I included in this post interesting).  I then heard the phrase "Note the top of the list, and think about where this [thing] originated." 
In my earlier readings regarding this bug I saw that China was being punished or being put on notice by the Powers That Were, so it resonated that it started in a region where people had on average higher ACE2 receptors and this [thing] would have a HUGE impact is starting the spread of fear.
I then heard that the reason they are encouraging manufactured, processed and corn syrup food is that it not only creates disease (big pharma wins), it increases the morbidity which also increases the ACE2 receptors in the body.  Toxins in the water and air also assist in this.  Watch the number of various US citizen "categories/races" to rise on this list as time goes by.
I get that watching this ACE2 discovery is a key to proving what they are doing and who is being genocided.  This receptor is also a big player in the beer bug shot and how (and why) it overloads the body creating an overactive immune response.
Watch for developments in this.  And that is all I have for this reading.  
Thank you.  
Love and light, Lynn 
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