Title IX – Yet Another Obama Legacy that screwed things up

The persecution of young men on college campuses across the US due to the application or Title IX rules has been unprecedented and relentless. Many hundreds of mainly young men have faced kangaroo court justice and had their hopes and dreams shattered by the power of a woman's accusation. 
If you have committed a sexual offence then it should be a police matter and not the job of unqualified and, often prejudicial, college administrators to investigate and assess the merits of each case. 
The Obama administration created a radical feminist wet dream whereby mainly male students were shockingly denied due process and suffered expulsion and the ruination of their ambitions. Consequently, many hundreds have sued to claim huge sums of compensation for discrimination. Court battles are expensive and for every young man that has taken them on, there will be about 20 others who cannot afford to do so. 
Accusations should be listened to and not automatically be believed.