Legends of Terrestria: Legend of Canar Series
Heras Ceastro, of the great family Ceastro. Their family controls many of the port cities of the republic.  While the Family Ceastro is the youngest of the great families in the republic they have been able to bribe many of the senators and Generals, seizing an alarming amount of control in such a short time. Thanks to their foreign trade partners and notably close ties to the distant "Crimson Dominion" a Successor state to the now Sunken Empire of Estosi, utilizing the advanced Luminarian goods Heras's family has accelerated the Third Century crisis. It is clear to some, that the Republics' days are numbered. With the Barbarian Invasion crushed thanks to the Great General Illos, the external pressure alleviated, the great families resume their struggle to seize total control of the Republic. 

Heras is dangerous, manipulative, and cunning. She uses both her wealth and beauty to further her families influence in the ailing Astrian Republic. 

Families, Nix and Talos while old rivals have struggled to contend with the Ceastro family. The power struggle, has made corruption more ever-present to the higher noble families. It is clear to some that lines are being drawn from within, corruption, inflation and with food shortages on the horizon, the gap between the powerful families and the lower classes has grown wider.