Psychic Focus on Jewish Faith
Q. Hi Lynn! I hope you and your family are doing well.
Could you please do a reading on Jewish people? I sincerely would like to know why they are so hated by the world? Even the support for the mere existence of the state of Israel is now wavering.

Most Jewish people I've met are hardworking people who just want a quit life with their families, they have no ties to the cabal. Why are they always under fire? Will it ever get better for them? What does the future entail for Israel?

I know this is a tough subject, but I have complete faith that you will be able to come with un biased information on this subject, not just that they are simply out for world domination. I'm looking forward to your view on this matter.
Thank you! 
A.  When I focus on this I get that much of the dislike comes from generalizations that are not true.  Many times people want to categorize people, which is unfair.  With every race, sex, religion, belief, occupation, political affiliation, etc there are good and bad people.  Lumping people together isn't right.  It would be like saying if you are proud of your European heritage you are racist, or if you are a conservative you are racist or if you have Christian ideals then you must dislike anyone that is not heterosexual- these statements are not true and as people we should be better than this!  These assumptions and generalizations create nothing but false narratives and unnecessary hatred.
Back to the generalizations.  Throughout history there has been a claim of 6 million Jews being murdered for various reasons even before Germany (please feel free to fact check all the bullets as I don't have time here:  There is a perception that the Jews have been trying to be seen as a victim and therefore protected since this number stuck after the war.  Whether true or not (again, please check me on this as I am just going off intuitive nudges and what I'm getting clairaudiently) people subconsciously reject things they deep down feel are false.  A lot of this stigma also stemmed from Europe after the war when facts were altered and people were forced not to share things that really went on- a reading for a different time.  
I get that as horrible as war was, evil occurred on both sides.  There was rape, starvation, death and torture.  People were upset that Jewish survivors received lifetime reparations while their devastations were dismissed:  
Because of the outlined actions, Israel is now treated much differently than most countries.  This doesn't settle right with most people, but they cannot say Israel is a bully out loud.  They get undeniable support which helps to encourage any agenda they may have.
Some of the most evil Powers That Were are Jewish, These PTW have sought power and control using tactics such as usury which hurt many people.
Again, you cannot judge and label people based on a group.  There are many great, loving and intelligent people that believe in the Jewish faith. Love your neighbor!