June 21st, 2019...mankind stands on a precipice. Civil unrest, poverty, war, corporate and banking power structures, the power elite, tech tyranny dystopia on the horizon... and all we want to do is enjoy hearth and home with our friends, family, loved ones and neighbors ...

The Sun ☀️ has ingressed into Cancer, sextiling Uranus in Taurus ♅ and squaring Chiron in Aries ⚷ 
Venus ♀️ is half way through Gemini, squaring Neptune ♆ and opposing Jupiter ♃
The Moon 🌙 is in Aquarius, sextiling Jupiter ♃
Mars ♂️, Mercury ☿️ and the NN ☊ in Cancer are still opposing Saturn ♄, Pluto ♇, and the SN ☋ in Capricorn, bickering and odds with each other but trying to come up with a solution that works for everybody...and probably failing miserably.

Let's talk about it.