
When Lies and Halftruth rule the land,
And Truth's persecution is close at hand,
One fact is forcefully hammered home:
This world is not, never was, your home.

My heart and mind can yet roam free
To other worlds, where I yet see
A victory for the side of Truth,
A tale believed in my storied youth.

To worlds of wonder, where Elves yet dwell:
Their wisdom and their sorrow tell,
And long years' thought, both Heart and Head,
Lay open for those who came and read.

A thousand years of hard-won lore,
Now present-day Orcs would make no more!
I cannot abide the face of hate,
Clothed in garb of history's fate.

Modern-day Orcs come preaching inclusion,
While threatening us with permanent exclusion.
I will not join their downward race,
I seek a mirror for their gorgon's face!

And if they mock, denounce, condemn,
I know for sure I've escaped them!
No jail for us, the Bards and me,
For now, they're caught, we now are free!