Birth Plan

Whether you are considering a home birth or a hospital birth, whether you are going to have your mother, a doula, a friend, a husband or a nurse attend- you should consider writing out your birth plan. Informing yourself of your options and rights prior to the big day is important and may help you have the birth that you wish to have!

On our most recent live stream, Lady Lassarus told her birth story. Here is the birth plan that she wrote and printed for her healthcare staff upon arrival at the hospital:

Birth Plan for: 
Husband’s name: 


-Mask: I DO NOT want to labor and deliver wearing a mask. 
-Hep-lock: No hep-lock unless it becomes medically necessary 
-I DO NOT consent to routine cervical checks/membrane sweep – unless there is a need to check baby’s position, or if I ask. 
-Please do not offer any pain medications/epidural. I trust my body and the birthing process. 
-Freedom to move, with monitoring only as necessary
-I would like to diffuse Clary Sage essential oil. 
-I DO NOT consent to Pitocin or labor augmentation (AROM, etc.), or any labor inducing medications. 
-If labor is stalled I would like to try the Miles Circuit before conventional labor induction techniques are mentioned. 

-Please keep lights dim, noise level down. If daylight allow natural sunlight in. 
-I would like to birth in my desired position. Please do not encourage me to deliver on my back. 
-No episiotomy, vacuum, or forcepts. 
-No coached pushing. I will allow for my body to birth at its own pace. 
Hemorrhaging- In the event of a hemorrhage please allow me to try herbal tinctures such as Shepard’s Purse, Yarrow, Motherwort, etc before pitocin is considered. 
-Delayed cord clamping – Please wait until umbilical cord is white and not pulsating anymore, preferably waiting to cut after the placenta is delivered. Any procedures can be done with baby attached, even in some emergencies as baby is still receiving oxygenated blood through the placenta. Should the placenta not detach naturally after one hour, please allow me or my husband to administer Angelica tincture before medical intervention. 
-I would like to keep my placenta, please do not discard. 
- Immediate skin to skin, DO NOT wipe vernix
-I DO NOT consent to erythromycin/eye goop – I do not have gonorrhea or chlamydia
-I DO NOT consent to vitamin K shot 
-I DO NOT consent to any vaccines

Third stage -

I DO NOT ACCEPT BLOOD PRODUCTS – please allow me to use herbal tinctures as mentioned above first. If not successful use saline in the case of hemorrhage
Regarding a medically necessary c-section – please delay cord clamping for as long as possible, immediate skin to skin if not under general anesthesia (only use in an emergency), baby will go with Dad (Christopher Pack) and he will be present for all procedures. All of the above still apply.

I DO NOT consent to any vaccines or injections for me or baby
I DO NOT consent to circumcision under any circumstances
Baby stays in room at all times – we do not utilize the nursery
Necessary tests will be performed in the room with me present
NO bath – I will bathe baby as necessary at home
Minimum stay only – please be prepared for us to leave after minimum required time to be in hospital. 
-NO pacifiers, bottles or formula
-PLEASE LET ME REST – I will call for a nurse if I need something