Song of the Unknown Schlub

I lie back, thinking of times
Far away now, so long ago,
When life seemed to be running on lines
Headed to where I would go:
To some kind of success in the world,
To realise, well, some of my dreams.
But things didn't work out quite as I thought - 
Life's not that simple, it seems.

Why, and how, do others just hop
From one kind of good to the other?
I can't seem to work out the customs, the rules
That apply between one and another.
If I was disordered, addicted or sick,
Perhaps there would be some excuse.
As it is, it seems there's some kind of trick
To be mastered, before you're of use.

I'm not a dead loss, I have done some good - 
Marriage and family and faith are still strong.
But my weaknesses, God, where to begin?
The list is two metres long!
Maybe, to think of it, we're all the same
In ways, with weaknesses tragic:
One part holy, two parts insane, 
The rest, just mediocre magic.

"Maybe, to think of it, you're not such a loss,
And things aren't as bad as they seem in the night.
There is real gold in all of your dross,
In the eyes of My Love...
    you're doing all right!"