Hey guys! Your support is crucial to the existence of DP and with that in mind, we wanted to take a moment to thank all of you, and ask you for suggestions on what type of content you want from of us. It's very important that we keep you satisfied as Subscribers so that you will continue to want to stick around.

We're currently looking at bringing back 2 private shows per month. One focused on one specific topic, and the other being a very long version of our normal format. The length of these shows would depend on the patreon donation amount. Feedback on these ideas would be appreciated.

We're also considering more behind the scenes stuff, but we'd like feedback on what sorts of things you'd like to see us doing.

Finally, anything in general you want to suggest is welcome. Don't be shy. The worst that will happen is that we won't use your idea.

We'd like even those of you who just lurk here to give us your feedback as well. It's very important.
