Oh my goodness! I just got back from healing John (the man who had a stroke) again. He is doing so much better! He still cannot actually speak but now his left arm isnt pinned up against his chest so bad, it can be extended 90 degrees and he can move his left leg just a little! When I went to see him a week ago his left arm had 20 degrees of lift off his chest tops and he couldnt move his left leg. To see that much progress in just a week when he had not progressed almost at all in nearly a month has me feeling so grateful and excited. I could feel the energy working really strongly in his brain. The way I feel it is in my own body/brain. It has been nearly an hour since i healed him and I still have a strong pressure in the right hemisphere of my brain, bordering on a headache. This is a good sign. It means a lot of energy was present and transforming in his brain. Most of the time when I heal someone and sense what is happening in their body or sense their pain, the sensations leave my body within a few minutes after i stop connecting with them. Granted, I am not usually working with someone who has experienced so much damage.

At one point as I was standing before him I told him I was praying for him and that he is a strong man. He raised up his hand and gave me a fist bump and pointed towards the sky! It felt like he was giving glory to the Creator. It makes me so happy to know he is improving. What a blessing! I am so thankful that the Creator gave us the capacity to help each other. It is such a huge gift, one that I would love to see others applying, appreciating, and benefiting from.