June 20, 2020 Update: I feel like this was a pretty productive week: I finally got some good video of the Champion at the range and edited all the footage to make a complete video about the project.  I also made another quick video testing the ballistic strength of steel-toe workbooks  (I had recently replaced my work boots, so this was an opportunity to see if the old ones would stop a bullet).  I was a little surprised that the steel toe actually stoped a 9mm, but 44 magnum blew a big hole in it.  Also, I finally got ahold of a working SD card reader for my DIY CNC mini-router, and made some progress on programming the micro-controller.  Then, yesterday I took a DSLR camera up Lower Cedar Creek to get some photographs for a new project.  My plan is to start writing up my outdoor expeditions and publishing them as illustrated books, as well as making videos about them; I will probably try to film an announcement video explaining this idea in more detail.  I am hoping to make several expeditions and get a lot of photographs in the next few weeks to facilitate that project, since we are now getting into the prime season of the year for exploring the out-of-doors.  Anyway, this weekend I think I will upload a video I filmed a while ago presenting a review of my Armalite.