Budunuwa, former Luminar of Estosi. (Boo-Done-New-Wha) A colony of Luminar in Avagaria who had let the abnormals among them breed. Causing genetic mutations which made them larger, the Giants of Budunuwa are no longer human as with all Abnormals the genetic code has failed to match what was divined to be the Terrestrian population. Their size dwarfs even the largest of the Luminar. Their specific abnormality has caused them to be severed from the Mixers, what most would deem a remorseful trait considering how Luminar had higher Mixer touched individuals than most of the other subraces of mankind. A Godless people, the Budunuwa are a hostile culture towards native Avagarians as well as the new colonies of the Confederacy of Baster. 

(Kardovian Soldier next to a Budunuwa Giant, their sheer size defies all reason as their sheer mass should cause the bones to break and buckle under their own weight. The food consumption of these large Abnormals is the equivalent intake of several grown men.)