The Confederacy of Baster, one of the younger newly found nations on the continent of Avagaria. A nation of Exiles from Galae, Astria, Cilicia, Novaria, and Kardovia. While the faiths of all mother nations are prevalent in these lands the Singularity is more dominant as Galaen's discontent with the Dukedoms internal wars had caused many to flee southeast through the Avagarian tribe known as Vinori and settled in the Budunuwa territories east of them. The Druid tribe of the Vinori granting passage to the settlers through their lands have benefited greatly in the trade from Baster. Mutually beneficial as the advanced warriors that would make up the Confederacy would push the Giant Horde of Budunuwa further East. The Giants of Budunuwa, are an aggressive warring nation. Legends say that they were once a colony of Luminarians of the Ancient Estosi, however, they had let the Abnormals breed, which diluted their connection to the Ethereal Mixers, severing their ability to call upon powers from the Gods this turned the abnormal savages into godless sentient life what most would call a Blight. The peoples of Baster, are resilient and what Galae should have become. A newfound kingdom prospering in the bountiful lands of Avagaria. To their south, the mountain ranges of Zathro are all that prevents them from encountering Maazetec the Blood Empire of Vaztii. The Confederacy is made up of a series of counties lead by princes, each of these princes forms the Confederacy council. Much like Galae's Dukes, the princes elect among them a leader called the Grand Marshall. He shall serve a term of two years, the Grand Marshall is charged with leading the defense of Baster mostly against the Giants of Budunuwa. While Baster is a melting pot of cultures, much like Galae it does suffer from internal friction which can yield often violent turmoil as the varying faiths and cultures clash. Though the technological disparity between the new nation and the Avagarian tribes is not as great as it was a century ago before the nation's founding the martial skill and prowess of Baster could make them into a future great power on Avagaria.