Brazilian Nostradamus

Q.  Lynn this bloke gives me the creeps. Can he really see the future? I think he is the third anti Christ. What do you think? I didn't want to draw attention by writing his name.
A.  After reading the question and thinking about the topic, this is what I will say... 

I most definitely have experience in tapping into something beyond this plane and gleaning information.  As I got deeper into doing this [psychic work] coupled with becoming more in tune with the Bible, I had a lot of internal conflict [and still do].  Unless we are communicating with God, and He is guiding us, we truly cannot be certain what we are opening ourselves up to. I was always conscious of how I approached my work, but in our demonically possessed world we cannot take chances. The devil is lurking and can imposter ETs, guides and even try to talk in your ear if you are open.  
We are supposed to encourage people to develop their own connection to God and not short cut that experience. For these reasons my posts have taken a shift and I pray and only speak from the heart and gut.  Furthermore I encourage people to seek their own truth as well.      
Having said that, I do think this man is able to get information, but I cannot be certain the source.  I do sense it is unholy.  Someone seeking fame or claiming these types of predictions is not of a humble origin which is a great candidate for the devil to swoop in.  I'm not sure I would say he is the anti-Christ, but he is dabbling in anti-Christian behaviors.  You can take in his information, but I caution against residing in any fear he propagates.  
I honestly think AI will usher in the next genuine anti-Christ.  Watch for this!
I realize this was short and sweet, but I am going to close this for now.   
Blessings, Lynn 
1 John 4:1 - Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God: because many false prophets are gone out into the world.
Matthew 7:15 - Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves.