Incarnasoul Alpha 12 Preview 1

Preview 1, with teaching and some related stuff.
+ Added levels and experience points
+ Fixed characters not being shown as affected by end of turn changes in various cases where they were affected by end of turn changes
+ Added teaching. Characters with 'learning points' (gained by leveling) can be taught skills by other characters
+ Added an experience capsule item
+ Fixed no details being shown after shift clicking an activity sets it to pending
+ Fixed positioning of the focused character highlight when viewing turn results
+ Fixed a crash occurring if the second of the two slots in a knowledge copying activity is empty
Game (Windows 64-bit) -
Assets Patch (Alpha 11 -> Alpha 12 Preview 1) -
Main Assets (Alpha 11) -
Assets Patch (Alpha 9 to Alpha 11) -
Outfit Images -
Height Images -
Unzip assets zips into "Incarnasoul\Incarnasoul_Data". The game can run without them, but most image panels will display "No Image". Older asset zips should run fine, with newer assets showing "No Image".
General discussion on discord -