Fear Porn In An Age Of Superstition And Ignorance


“The psychological rule says that when an inner situation is not made conscious, it happens outside, as fate. That is to say; when the individual remains undivided and does not become conscious of his inner opposite, the world must perforce act out the conflict and be torn into opposing halves.” – C. G. Jung, Aion (Collected Works 9ii)

As humanity enters a new decade, the sum of our collective fear, superstitions and ignorance has manifested into the smallest of nature’s creatures. A simple virus, just a fraction of a micrometre in length, a small chain of biochemical coding, has triggered the near-collapse of the most complex political, moral and economic system man has ever constructed.

The continuing effects of Corona-chan on our fragile world have been most enlightening. The sheer amount of fear this virus has sparked is sure to leave a deep and lasting impression on humanity. The consciousness of man, his whole paradigm of existence, is eternally changed.

Where could this lead? Let us explore some of the aspects of this transformative event with the aid of the hermit’s lamp.

A virus is a genuine oddity in nature; it exists in the twilight zone, somewhere between the concepts of alive and dead. A virus is incapable of self-replication and does not feed or produce its own metabolic energy. Even though it lacks impetus, within its complex chains of chemical information lies hidden structure and function.

Consider that a virus functions on the principles of attraction. Receptors on the virus’ outer membrane act as a key which fits into the corresponding lock of a target cell’s outer membrane. Once the key finds a lock that matches its specific pattern, the virus enters the cell by chemical subterfuge. Once inside the cell, the information hidden within the virus structure goes about certain practical functions through chemical processes most profound.

This sophisticated chemical program runs within set parameters; it first seizes specific operational components within the cell and then proceeds to replicate itself all while deploying an elaborate chemical camouflage to hide its activities. This process continues until a particular chemical trigger is released.

Now multiplied thousands of times, the virus violently explodes out of the cell and in the process destroys it. The process repeats in this way until the host dies or its native functions find a way to destroy all the infected cells. Once the organism has “learnt” how to identify and kill infected cells, re-infection of the host by the same virus does not typically reoccur.

Now, let us cast these observations into the mirror and reflect on how analogous a virus is to a meme. As with a virus, a meme encapsulates information within a structure that serves a particular function. Furthermore, as with a virus, a meme spreads by way of unlocking the consciousness through mimicry. Inside the mind, it goes about copying itself and then once it reaches a critical mass, explodes out of the host and into the memetic environment.

A most profound revelation can now be found when considering that this methodology, by which a virus or meme propagates, can also be its cause. Using the hermit’s lamp, we see the macrocosm reflected in the microcosm. As such, we can see how the forces which birthed Corona-chan are the very same spiritual forces representing humanity’s pent up anxieties.

Keeping these concepts in mind, let us consider the effects of fear on destiny, and what part ignorance and superstition play in the obfuscation of our destiny.

When the mob governs, man is ruled by ignorance; when the church governs, he is ruled by superstition; and when the state governs, he is ruled by fear – Manly P. Hall, The Secret Teachings of All Ages

Some of the ruling elites – best exemplified by Bill Gates, Elon Musk or Mark Zuckerberg – seek to subdue humanity to a twisted vision of a technocratic and totalitarian future. For the sake of us all, they urge, we need to expand the cages of our captivity and become even more connected in the never-ending pursuit of building a globe-spanning, human-machine.

In their dreams, the individual will become subjugated to the hive mind through technology. The ruling class of technocrats will direct the masses from their lofty heights for the common good. Transhumanism becomes the ultimate goal of humanity, especially the elites, in an attempt to alleviate our collective fear. Look to movies such as The Matrix, Ghost in the Shell or Transcendence as metaphysical critiques of this idea.

Some politicians eagerly support such an outcome and use the Corona-chan induced fear as a trigger to activate mass enforcement of such a memeplex. It is a forgone conclusion, they tell the masses. We will become progressively more integrated, progressively more “unified” as time progresses, it is only a matter of time, resisting this movement is counterproductive and short-sighted. They use fear to herd humanity into this consensus, but our divine soul reacts against this by producing a strong force of repulsion. This repulsion creates a feedback loop, empowering Corona-chan further.

The creeping technocracy illustrates one possible aspect of fear and how our spiritual subjugation to its memes can lead to an undesirable future. There are, however, an infinite number of these memeplexes fighting for dominance. They are all, by necessity, going nowhere – they are all primarily based on fear.

Let us now consider superstition. The MSM is today’s church, our moral leaders, the ones who tell us right from wrong and instruct as in all things ethical. Confronted with the Corona-chan meme, the MSM went into a fear porn inspired gala of superstitious claptrap of the “we are all going to die” variety. It is cringeworthy, to be honest.

For the first few weeks, when the virus was spreading around China, everything was all fine and dandy. Their sermons continued along the usual lines of “checking that racism”, “hugging your local Asian” or “go to Chinatown to eat stir fry, bigot.”

Their usual admonishments of globalist utopianism were not to last once it became clear that the virus indeed posed a real threat to the system on which they feed. The editors faltered a bit but managed to realign their moral compass in short order. They quickly directed their underlings to spew out sermon after sermon of tabloid grade fear porn. Superstition mixed with fear is to be the new drug with which they will subjugate the masses.

Now, yes, the ruling elites and high priests of the MSM are not the only ones to blame. In a world where materialism has become all-encompassing, humanity as a whole has become ignorant of their real purpose. Lost in Maya, the phenomenal world, and dragged down into ignorance by the fears and superstitions of their lower nature, the human race has become lost.

This existential crisis is probably the underlying anxiety from which the Corona-chan meme manifested.

The origins of Corona-chan may be a mystery to some, but others firmly believe that it is the manifestation of these three forces that birthed her into this world. It is now up to us, ordinary people, to decide which way this will go. Will fear, superstition and ignorance overpower humanity completely? Or is there another way forward?

If, as there is ample reason to suspect, the modern Freemasonic Order was profoundly influenced by, if it is not an actual outgrowth of, Francis Bacon’s secret society, its symbolism is undoubtedly permeated with Bacon’s two great ideas: universal education and universal democracy. The deadly enemies of universal education are ignorance, superstition, and fear, by which the human soul is held in bondage to the lowest part of its own constitution. The arrant enemies of universal democracy have ever been the crown, the tiara, and the torch. – Manly P. Hall, The Secret Teachings of All Ages

This short passage regarding Francis Bacon’s desire is most illuminating in the context of the discussion above. The uninitiated often ask, “What is our purpose?”, but to the initiated, it seems so obvious. The initiate, through Gnosis, knows that which alleviates all fears, sets aside all superstitions and vanquishes all ignorance. It is through this middle path, this hidden path and centrist philosophy that we can balance the spheres and remain focused on the great work.

Now more than ever, humanity needs to band together against those that want to subjugate our Spirit. We need to stand firm – there is another way, and it is yearning to be manifested.


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