It is very easy to become dependent on single things. This could be a reliance on one person or a single income stream or even a single energy source. All of us can find some aspect of our lives where this is the case. Being single source dependent can be lucrative, convenient and what everyone else is doing. However, it is only great for the period for when there exists a plentiful supply. Once the ‘water hole’ runs dry, then what do you do?


Big Tech and Wrong-think

In Big Tech, internet services provided by mega companies like Google and Apple have led to many people becoming dependent on them in a variety of ways. They enable people to showcase creative content; to run businesses and to exchange personal messages. However, as the saying goes “Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely” and so it is that the assault on free speech and the shutting down of alternative views is well underway. Many hundreds have found themselves being demonetized, de-platformed and even banned for simply saying the wrong thing or holding the wrong views. In London alone, people have been arrested and charged with the offence of “Hate Speech” because they said the wrong thing. It makes you wonder if any of those executing these policies have read any history books or George Orwell.

Worryingly, it is not just the wroth of censorship that wrong-thinkers are having to cope with. I will call them “Dissidents” because that is effectively what they are. Dissidents can now find themselves ‘hunted down’, doxed (having personal details published for all to see); their children risk being removed from their care. They can also their jobs and be declined employment. The concept of free speech is hanging by a thread and even those who never publish a word on the internet, find themselves fearful of expressing their views to colleagues, friends and family in case there are repercussions from word of their hate-think being found out.

Hurricane Lantern

Recently, I went in search of an oil-fired Hurricane lantern. Like most people, my household has become increasingly reliant on electricity (in its various delivery forms). The flick of a switch has become so customary that it is hard to live a day without the marvels and comfort that electricity brings.

A hurricane lantern does not just emit good light, it is also a rudimentary provider of heat. It is safer than candles since the flame is enclosed. It is light and easy to use and you can adjust the wick to increase or decrease luminosity. The point of it is that it is largely independent of centrally controlled power and heat.

I eventually found what I was looking for on Ebay for a price of just £7.39 (which included shipping costs). The problem came when I tried to pay for it.

My trusty Barclay’s Debit card was rejected with no explanation given. A polite Ebay helper phoned me up, but was unable to resolve the problem. He suggested that I contact my bank, but revealed that Pay Pal processed card payments, even though I had deliberately avoided using Pay Pal on the payment options.

A few weeks earlier I had cancelled my Pay Pal account and told them that I did not agree with their policy of compelling censorship of individuals that did not meet their version of ethical standards i.e. having non-left-wing views. To me financial organizations should not indulge in political sanctioning. To do so, smacks of real fascism and is extremely sinister for me, especially since I was brought up in a household that had been intimately affected by two world wars.

Cashless Society

There are moves afoot to turn our society into a cashless one where payments will be made through bank transactions, phone apps and cards. That is now, but it does not stop there because already the use of microchip technology has been introduced to workers in Sweden. Some workers have already agreed to having a rice-grain sized micro-chip planted in the web of skin between forefinger and thumb. It allows them access through certain doors and can be used to operate cars. How wonderfully convenient for consumers and workers! However, it is also wonderfully convenient for unscrupulous control by totalitarians who can turn off your access to resources on the whims of their desires. Dissident tongues in China are already suffering due to Government controlled sanctions provided by Google-type technology, and that is without any implants. It does not take a genius to work out where this leads to.

Real Bigotry

We are tracked every second of every day. While most people are harmless sheeple they are only regarded as such if they conform. Make an error of judgement such as overstay your time in a parking bay or mutter some ‘hate speech’ phrase under your breath and expect to suffer the oppression of a weaponized legal system brought to bear.

You do not even have to have done anything wrong. By existing as a white male, you can find yourself marginalized by an increasingly corrupt anti-human system with its army of humanoid bots. The hostility that is being fostered against this sexual and racial group has disturbing similarities to what the Jews in Nazi Germany faced.

White males are being denigrated as being privileged (even those born poor and raised by a single mother in the backstreets of Sheffield). This blatant policy of racial and gender hatred is being driven by an extremely pernicious group of actual privileged and bigoted people who have wormed their way into positions of influence and power in government and industry. It means the poor white boy from Sheffield can expect to be denied what few opportunities may have been available. He can expect to be skipped over in job applications or made to stand at the back of the queue if he needs help.

Gloomy Future

If a revolution would provide us with hope and the possibility of respite, then it looks like that time is long past. Gloomy and miserable a picture I may be painting, but I fear that we humans are in terminal decline and the humans that are becoming more prevalent have a tendency to be more narcissistic, less informed and with more of a leaning towards egotistically driven violence. To talk is to risk condemnation for wrong-think and so no one talks. This kind of population replacement inhibits the desire to work out differences and to find working solutions. Instead, of tolerance and diversity of thought, we are forced to adopt ill-considered dictats that ignore reason, evidence and reality. It stands to destroy all that was ever good because of lacking the capacity to understand it. The arrogant new age controllers who believe they know the truth of things while worshiping delusion, want gratification now, not because they need it, but because it is what their infantile minds demand. They lack the ability and patience to create, design and construct. Instead, they are addicted to the dopamine hits they get from destruction, the power they wield and the harm of those most of whom they do not even know. Regrettably that mindset will be the death of us all, including all other life forms.

Survival Preparation

It may seem like paranoia but, if you have not already started then you need to get ready for the time when the electricity fails; the money supply dries up; the thought police come to your home; your food supply becomes prohibitively expensive and rarefied.

You need to prepare for survival, including having adequate defence and protection for your person, your family and your essential supplies. We should all be striving to establish an independent resource supply, but we also need a strategy for it to have a chance of working. It is too late when you have invaders, who may well be psychopathic, and you are having to beg for their mercy while they plunder your precious resources and harm your loved ones.

We need to diversify as many aspects of our lives as possible, so that we are not beholden to those who mean us ill while masquerading as our friends.

James Williams

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