Nemean® produces original traditional and modern poetry, essays and articles dedicated to art and philosophy, spanning across multiple mediums to recommend, analyse and evaluate characters, scenes and stories in literature, cinema and gaming.
Nemean® is a growing passion project of a poet making his mark on the creative environment. Your contribution is a bedrock in this creative enterprise, and greatly appreciated.
My latest article, a Companion Analysis of Canderous Ordo from Knights Of The Old Republic:
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My latest article comes from a contemplation of two 40K factions rarely pared against each other. A really interesting paradigm; Sins of the Seventeenth, vs White Scar Spirituality:
It goes back, it cycles, will all the thorns in the present overlayed with nice songs and smiles in memory.
Is it more than a flavour Of distant cities Club fog Neon lighting Near-nocturnal living And a pretty face With expressions fixed And conversations fading?
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