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YouTuber. Media Analyst. Bestselling author of "Hollywood Propaganda: How TV, Movies, and Music Shape Our Culture.” Seen on Fox News, OAN, E!, History Channel and more.
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  • Your monthly sponsorships help support my work exposing the liberal media industrial complex, mocking liberal lunatics, and standing up for free speech!

Eliza Bleu (a fake name), the self proclaimed "sex trafficking survivor" is abusing the privacy t...

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I appreciate all your support guys!  If I can build up my Subscribe Star memberships, hopefully I'll never have to do an ad read for mail order shrimp or other lame products!   For most YouTuber's that's part of the business.  I get it.  But I'd rather not be like them.  So thanks for the support.  

Your Subscribe Star membership helps pay my editor and my new thumbnail artist who makes some of my thumbnails (the really cool ones, you can probably tell the difference from the ones I make.)  I pay an editor to edit my weekly in-depth reports with all the b-roll, which I usually post on Mondays. 
They're contractors, not employees, but good editors and graphic artists cost money, and more important than that they save me the time and the wear and tear on my hands cuz I've had tendonitis for years now. 
Things are going to get crazy this summer when the 2024 election heats up, so buckle up!  

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Yeah.  It's really me.  You can verify this by seeing that I linked to this Subscribe Star account in the description of this YouTube video of mine, about that phony Steven Crowder.  I appreciate all your support.  And unlike that scumbag, I'll never lie to you.  I'll just keep providing quality information, analysis, and try to have some laughs.  Thanks for your support guys!
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