Thank you so so much for your patronage. I appreciate all donations and will personally thank you for entering this tier.
Thank you so so much for your patronage. I appreciate all donations and will personally thank you for entering this tier.
Fivers get a shoutout on the first stream after their first donation. Fivers also get early access to most gameplay videos and other content by 24 hours
Tenno's get to have their name forever immortalized in a Warframe reference Tenno's also get a shoutout on all streams and publicly posted content. Tenno's also get early access to most gameplay videos and other content by 48 hours. And finally, Tenno's also receive occasional non-monetary prizes (item drops in games, etc) as well as giveaways (game keys, etc)
I dont know why you would ever give me $20, but if thats how you feel about this relationship than go right ahead.
You get all the stuff the Tenno's get as well as access to a small private Discord, private meet-and-greet at various conventions, and a weekly 1-on-1 video game session with yours truly.
This tier mostly exists as a joke, but I am willing to honor everything listed if you join.