Just a Voice profile
Just a Voice
Just a Voice
I create Audio Roleplays/ASMR for your enjoyment on YouTube.

Subscription Tiers

per month

Thank you so much for donating to me, it is incredibly appreciated of you!

~For this tier, you will receive a special rank in my discord server, if you are in fact a member of my discord server...and if you aren't, here's the link :D


0 subscribers SubscribeStar $1.00 tier
per month
Little Voices

Thank you so much for donating 5$ to me! That's a whole lot to give to a random person :D It is very much appreciated!

~For donating this much, you will receive all previous rewards. AS WELL AS...

~ Having your name, or however you would like to be listed, be put in the description of all of my future videos, as well as at the end of all of my future videos, for as long as you are a "Little Voice".

0 subscribers SubscribeStar $5.00 tier
per month
Bread Bois

10$?!? Holy smokes!!! ThATs CrAzy! Seriously, a huge thanks to you! You make it easier for me to do what I love.

~For donating this much, you will receive all previous rewards. AS WELL AS...

~Early access to videos, (at least a day or more before they are scheduled to be uploaded.)

0 subscribers SubscribeStar $10.00 tier


  • You will receive a special rank in discord, if you are in my server.
  • You can have your name featured in the description of future videos, as well as at the end of future videos.
  • You can view videos BEFORE they are uploaded!

Star Stats

4 posts


to reach
the Goal
With this amount, it should be easier for me to purchase new equipment, such as a better mic, etc... All donations will be going towards purchasing equipment, or something to better the channel. This also allows me to put more time into my YouTube channel. Once we hit this I should be able to post more than once every 2 weeks.

Other stars

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