JRCSalter profile
JRCSalter was born in the mid eighties in the Westcountry of England. And ever since he has had a passion for creating things, from building LEGO, to writing stories, to making stories with LEGO.

Subscription Tiers

per month
Immortal Tier
  • Everything in the Mortal Tier
  • Other snippets of writing, such as short stories, in-universe articles, and other ephemera. Exclusive until enough material is made for a full release
  • Ebook containing all content I create. Approx. 10 per year
  • Basically, this is the everything tier. You'll never miss anything I do by subscribing here
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Angel Tier
  • Everything in the Immortal Tier
  • A signed paperback copy of each major release. Approx. 4 per year
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Primal Tier
  • Everything in the Angel Tier
  • A signed hardback copy of each major release. Approx. 4 per year
  • Your name in the acknowledgements of any book or video published during your subscription. (Due to the time needed to publish, the acknowledgements may take some time to appear. Conversely, the next book released during your subscription may already have had the acknowledgements written, and you may not appear)
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Fate Tier
  • Everything in the Primal Tier
  • Create a word, name, place, or anything else in the world of the Calnis Chronicles, and have it considered canon.
  • Special mention in the book your creation first appears I reserve the right to refuse any suggestion for any reason. I reserve the right to accept your suggestion as canon, but not put it in any published work (it will appear on World Anvil or any other encyclopaedic version of my works). Any names, or words must be accompanied by etymological descriptions, and fit into the world.
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  • Ebooks of all major works a week before release. Approx. 4 per year plus samples of works leading up to release
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