Ikatsu Hayashi profile
Ikatsu Hayashi
Ikatsu Hayashi
I make art and also try to help aspiring artists around the globe follow their dreams!

Subscription Tiers

per month

By participating on this tier, you'll be eligible to win a wacom tablet once the necessary amount is reached.

per month

You'd like to help, but you're not in it to win a tablet yourself.

per month
Benefactor #5

You'd like to help, but you're not in it to win a tablet yourself.

per month
Benefactor #10

You'd like to help, but you're not in it to win a tablet yourself.



  • Here's the deal: I make giveaways every month where I donate a wacom graphics tablet to an aspiring artist that doesn't have the means to buy it. My objective with this account is to open yet another way to make such donations.
  • And how will that work? Simple: There are two tiers, Participant and Benefactor. Let's say A tablet costs 100 and every month I make 10. After 10 months (AKA as soon as I reach the required amount) someone from the 'Participant' tier will win a wacom tablet! If I make 50 every month from donations, there will be a giveaway every 2 months and so forth.
  • The numbers will be hidden to avoid having a bunch of sneaky people join on month 9 of the first example and decreasing the chances of people who have been here from month 1. This is just the first iteration of this project, things may change as we go.
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