Haryan Glaeddyv profile
Haryan Glaeddyv
Haryan Glaeddyv
Liberalist and creator of content, give as little as you can since that's all I'm worth.


  • Youtube Videos, Twitter shinanigans and some real life content, everything you need!


to reach
the Goal
Will stream regularly, including newcasts, laughing at the guardian and chats about current events. Quartz and above subscribers will be invited on.
to reach
the Goal
This will simply be considered a huge success with my channel, can continue to work full-time on youtube and invest into more studio equipment for even higher quality. Will open second channel for less serious content.
to reach
the Goal
Will literally quit my job to do youtube full-time and make much more content for the channel, will also invest in much better recording and editing equipment for better quality videos. Massive party will also be thrown.

Other stars


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