Goldbar Games profile
Goldbar Games
Goldbar Games
Goldbar Games is an independent video game development group officially formed in 2016. Our games may span a wide variety of genres, but they all focus on putting the player's experience above all else. We hope that you'll find a game from our collection you will enjoy!

Subscription Tiers

per month

Catch previews of art and music created for our games, your name featured in the credits, and exclusive Supporter role in our Discord server.

0 subscribers
per month

At this tier you will receive a 15% discount off all merchandise. Includes all previous tiers.

0 subscribers
per month
Beta Access

At this tier, you will be credited as a beta tester and gain access to a FREE COPY of any game that enters beta testing phase while your pledge is active. Discord users will gain access to a beta testing channel as well. Includes all previous tiers.

0 subscribers
per month
Stream Sponsor

Subject to approval, a banner ad representing you or your company will appear in the top-left corner of the screen throughout each stream while your pledge is active. Includes all previous tiers.

0 subscribers


  • Catch previews of art and music created for our games
  • Your name featured in credits of our games
  • Exclusive Supporter role in our Discord server
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