GeodesicDragon profile

Subscription Tiers

Supporter I
  • Access to new content 24 hours before anyone else.
per month
Supporter II
  • Access to new content 24 hours before anyone else.
  • Name added to my Fimfiction profile and at the end of videos.
per month
Supporter III
  • Access to new content 24 hours before anyone else.
  • Name added to my Fimfiction profile and a shoutout at the start of videos.
per month
Supporter IV
  • Access to new content 24 hours before anyone else.
  • Name added to my Fimfiction profile and a shoutout at the start of videos.
  • I will put your name into any game I am playing. For example, if I am playing RimWorld, I'll name a colonist after you.
per month
Supporter V
  • Access to new content 24 hours before anyone else.
  • Name added to my Fimfiction profile and shown at the bottom of videos for the entire length.
  • I will put your name into any game I am playing. For example, if I am playing RimWorld, I'll name a colonist after you.
Limited (0 out of 5) subscriptions


  • Early access

Star Stats

0 posts


to reach
the Goal
This will cover my internet bill for the month, allowing me to actually upload the content I make.
to reach
the Goal
Pays the internet bill AND helps keep me fed. That's always a good thing, right?
to reach
the Goal
I'll see about setting up a server for a game - voted on by subscribers - that we can all play together on.
to reach
the Goal
If I was to ever get this much support, I'd be able to turn making content into a second job, meaning I could produce more of it.

Other stars

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