Financial Mechanica profile
Financial Mechanica
Financial Mechanica
I give practical advice about wealth building. No motivational or "keep grinding" type of advice. The topics that I cover on this channel are from my framework that I developed for the past years.
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If you enjoy these videos and wish to support their production. Every once in a while I will send you interesting things that I won't cover on my Youtube Channel.

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If you enjoy these videos and wish to support their production. Every once in a while I will send you interesting things that I won't cover on my Youtube Channel.

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If you enjoy these videos and wish to support their production. Every once in a while I will send you interesting things that I won't cover on my Youtube Channel.

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I will answer 1 email per month if I genuinely know the answer to your question. If I don't know, I will say so and not try to bullshit you to keep you subscribed.

Limited (0 out of 30) subscriptions
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I will be your mini business-consultant. We can exchange 3 emails per month and you can consult with me on any business related problem. If your questions are outside my area of expertise, I will say so and not bullshit you to keep you subscribed.

Limited (0 out of 10) subscriptions

The subscription gives you:
  • Access to Star's profile content.
  • Ability to support your Star by pledging – one-time or recurring.
  • Means to reaching out to the Star directly via Instant Messenger.

Star Stats

24 posts


$0.00 of $798
per month
At this goal, I will reduce the price of my framework to $299, making it affordable to more people. The reason why it is priced the way it is right now has to do with you. You guys are expensive. What do I mean by this? Well, I started this channel, being fully aware that it usually takes around 2-3 years to grow organically. I don't intend to wait that long and I assume that you're also happier that you found it today instead of 3 years from now. For this reason I spend decent amounts of money on advertising, to give my videos a boost and reach you. Unfortunately (for me), due to some specific targeting options that I use, you're more expensive to reach than I anticipated. Google considers you high value individuals, which sucks for me cause I have to pay more. This is why I had to price my framework at a level that allows me to cover some of the costs. If I can offset some of the expenses, I will incrementally reduce the price, because I'm not an asshole.
$0.00 of $1,596
per month
At this goal, I will reduce the price of my framework to $199, making it affordable to more people. The reason why it is priced the way it is right now has to do with you. You guys are expensive. What do I mean by this? Well, I started this channel, being fully aware that it usually takes around 2-3 years to grow organically. I don't intend to wait that long and I assume that you're also happier that you found it today instead of 3 years from now. For this reason I spend decent amounts of money on advertising, to give my videos a boost and reach you. Unfortunately (for me), due to some specific targeting options that I use, you're more expensive to reach than I anticipated. Google considers you high value individuals, which sucks for me cause I have to pay more. This is why I had to price my framework at a level that allows me to cover some of the costs. If I can offset some of the expenses, I will incrementally reduce the price, because I'm not an asshole.

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