FamLing profile
I am a Christian who is a storyteller in Augusta, Georgia. This is my family vlogging channel where my wife Kay Cee, my daughter Hazel, and I seek to share many stories, Join us for the spectacular journey!

Subscription Tiers

per month
Join the FamLing in Rhyme and Space

Receive one Rhyme and Space serial of your choice! Choose from any of these - Https://FamLing.org/rnsseries/

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per month
Six Rhyme and Space Serials

Subscribe to Six Rhyme and Space Serials

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per month
All of Rhyme and Space unlocked

All Rhyme and Space stories will be available to you! Also, additional one off stories and poems that no one else gets!

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  • A monthly episode of a Rhyme and Space series of your choosing via email. (To read a full list of Rhyme and Space stories, click here - http://FamLing.org/rnsseries/)
  • Access to monthly read alouds of the latest issue via Facebook live. (Monthly Read Alouds)
  • People who print the stories and bind them in their own artsy way, and show them off on social media win special prizes like t shirts! (Book Makers Club)

Star Stats

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to reach
the Goal
We will upgrade the Book Maker's Club prizes from 1 winner to 3 a month!
to reach
the Goal
Upgrade prizes in the book makers club from 3 prizes to 6.
to reach
the Goal
We will begin a serial based entirely on what the fans decide.
to reach
the Goal
Hit the road! The Lings are full time doing their thing! This means 2 episodes every month for ALL subscribers!!!

Other stars

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