The Distributist profile
The Distributist
The Distributist
YouTuber and blogger dedicated to understanding the problems of the modern world and exploring solutions through the lens of Catholicism and classical thought.
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Supporter Tier

You would like to throw me a tip for the work I do on my channel. Rewards include my sincere thanks.

1 subscriber
per month
Patron Tier

You would like to help me expand my project and make this channel a permanent part of my life. Rewards include my sincere thanks, access to unlisted videos on my channel, priority Access for posing questions on my AMA, #DistAns.

9 subscribers
per month
Contributor Tier

You would like to contribute to the larger project of developing traditionalist and counter-progressive culture and community in the modern world. Rewards include all previous benefits.

9 subscribers
per month
Alliance Tier

You would like to be a full ally to our project of finding alternatives to progressive modernity in the contemporary world. Rewards include all previous benefits, personal Skype contact for inquiries (please don’t abuse this), request and an extended topic for a #DistAns or quick take video.

3 subscribers


  • Video Requests
  • Priority Access for posing questions on my AMA, #DistAns
  • Coming RIOT server access
The Distributist

Who are you?

I am an American Catholic vlogger, writer, and critic of modernity. My goal is to provide a counter-cultural voice contrasting the perspectives that dominate the mainstream media and academia. My essay (both in written and video) tend to be in depth and attempt, as best I can, to get to the root causes of whatever issue is under discussion.

What do you do?

I produce essays about modern culture and solutions to the problems we face in the contemporary world. These are mostly video essays but sometimes include written material. I edit a blog called VIA OBSCURA that hosts a variety of writers who speak on this topic. My regular content includes a podcast (VIA OBSCURA RADIO) and a regular “Ask Me Anything” livestream (#DistAns” (Distributist Answers)) every alternating week. Video essays come out whenever I can manage them (usually between weekly and monthly). I also spend whatever other time I can spare (this isn’t my full-time job) trying to organize traditionalist and conservative fellow-travelers on the right.

What can you for me as a potential supporter?

Part of my mission is to support traditionalist and counter-progressive community, online and IRL. In addition to allowing me to keep the channel going (again, this channel is still a side-project), I provide my supporters with a link to a larger community of like-minded individuals who are interested in producing art, culture, and commentary from a counter-progressive and traditionalist perspective on the social media service Discord. Additional perks include access to my unlisted videos on my channel, priority access for asking questions on the #DistAns episodes, and video requests (depending on the levels). For those interested, I am also offering a coupon for merchandise on my teepublic store (pending working on the kinks on this one). I would like to see myself as a resource for the allies and friends that choose to support me in this endeavor.

The Distributist
Public post

Starting Up Again

Considering that I have returned to video-making, I am starting up the SubscribeStar page to help out my family's general income. Please let me know if you have any issues seeing this post of accessing the tiers.
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The Distributist
Public post
Hello friends, 

I am writing to let everyone know of an upcoming hiatus that is coming in December of 2019. This will not be permanent and I will be making videos up until that time at my usual rate. However, from December 2019, I will not be able to promise videos with any consistency. Please understand that I do not expect people to continue their donations during this time. However if you would like to compensate me for videos already created, this account will be open. I will update this channel with information as to the length of the hiatus as it becomes available. 

Cheers and Blessings, - The Distributist
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The Distributist

Taking Requests

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Posted for $25 tier
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The Distributist
Public post

Life changes and restructuring

Hello friends, I would like to keep you abreast of changes that are coming down the line for me and my channel. I am starting a new job in the next several months and while I don't anticipate that I will not be able to keep up with the normal release schedule, given this new income, I have decided to put my YouTube funding into a new project called "The Canis Society". The Canis Society is a charity and community-organizing project for traditionalists and reactionaries aimed at organizing those interested in preserving Christendom for positive social change.

I plan to release more updates on this project. However, for the time being, follow us on our Facebook page or our website.

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The Distributist

Talk on the "Canis Society"

Posted for $1, $3, $10, $25 tiers
Unlock Tier
The Distributist
Public post

And we are back!

Hey all, it looks like Subscribe Star is up and running once more! Given the state of events, I am going to work to get everyone their perks. There is still some delay on the merchandise delivery considering that the current manufacturer does not issue gift certificates. Until then expect upcoming posts that contain links to the discord server and contact information. See you all in the comments!

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The subscription gives you:
  • Access to Star's profile content.
  • Ability to support your Star by contributing – one-time or recurring.
  • Means to reaching out to the Star directly via Instant Messenger.

Star Stats

22 subscribers
12 posts


$172 of $1,500
per month
At this level I can keep this project going in perpetuity, essentially future-proofing both the YouTube channel "The Distributist" and our edited publication "VIA OBSCURA".

Other stars


The subscription gives you:
  • Access to Star's profile content.
  • Ability to support your Star by contributing – one-time or recurring.
  • Means to reaching out to the Star directly via Instant Messenger.
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