Discordia profile
Hey there, I am a small Youtuber chatting about things I find interesting, with the odd cat video thrown in of course. youtube.com/c/Discordia3052

Subscription Tiers

per month
Supporter & Supplier of tea

Buy me a cup of tea, I run on tea! Especially when I'm making videos. I love the people who keep me supplied with it.

1 subscriber SubscribeStar $1.00 tier
per month
Amazing Supporter

To be honest this will likely go on tea too.. I might drink too much tea :)

0 subscribers SubscribeStar $5.00 tier
per month
Crazy Cat Person

On top of all the tea this will buy, you'll be making sure my bengals and puppy stay spoiled enough to keep interrupting my videos and streams. I might even share some pictures, in fact I very likely will share them even if you haven't asked.

2 subscribers SubscribeStar $10.00 tier
per month
Ever Hopeful

Added this because if I don't it can never happen right? On top of keeping me supplied with tea and helping me spoil my personal zoo, you'll be really helping me get by as a full time student. Thus making sure I can carry on spending my free time making content for you.

1 subscriber SubscribeStar $20.00 tier


  • Those crazy enough to subscribe to me will get supporter roles in my discord (if you choose to come and chat) - You'll have contact to share ideas with me that you'd like me to cover, and perhaps on occasion even guest or join me for a game of something.
  • first chance to view new videos & links to all my content so you'll never miss out again.
  • and probably more pictures of my 4 legged co-hosts than they know what to do with :)
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