DGLifeCoach profile
I am a Life Coach with more than 50 years of life experience, education, and growth. Join me as I share my thoughts and experiences about life, relationships, and healing.

Subscription Tiers

Followers Tier

Join for free to receive email notifications about new posts submitted to paid tiers

0 subscribers
USD monthly

Access to all current and archived podcasts

0 subscribers
USD monthly

All Bronze level access PLUS all downloads

0 subscribers
USD monthly

All Silver access and one email exchange. Unused emails may not be rolled over to the next month. The content of the emails may not be shared, posted, published, or re-transmitted in any form without the prior written consent of the host.

0 subscribers
USD monthly
Golden Friend

All Gold access and privileges but used as an additional monthly support gift as well.

0 subscribers
USD monthly

All Gold access and privileges PLUS a potential 55-minute scheduled phone conversation. The subscriber is not obligated to use the call privilege, and this tier may be used simply as a monthly support gift. The 55-minute phone conversation is offered but not guaranteed, the session being available when both the host and the subscriber are mutually available. Unused calls are not rolled over to the next month. The host is not liable for the inability of the mutual availability. Phone calls are not allowed to be recorded or rebroadcast in any form without the prior written consent of the host.

Limited (0 out of 20) subscriptions
USD monthly
Platinum +

Access to all Platinum privileges except you will have the possibility of two scheduled 55-minute phone calls each month. The subscriber is not obligated to use either or both of the scheduled calls, and this tier may be used as a monthly support gift. Unused calls are not rolled over to the next month. The two 55-minute calls each month are offered but not guaranteed, the calls being available when both the host and the subscriber are mutually available. The host is not liable for the inability of the mutual availability. Phone calls may not be recorded, rebroadcast, or reproduced in any fashion without the prior written consent of the host.

Limited (1 out of 10) subscriptions


  • With this first tier, you will have access to the new and archived podcasts.

Předplatné vám poskytuje:
  • Přístup k obsahu profilu Star.
  • Schopnost podpořit vaši hvězdu přispěním-jednorázovým nebo opakovaným.
  • Znamená oslovit hvězdu přímo pomocí Instant Messengeru.


$0.00 of $900
per month
My current goal is to replace one week's gross income each month to help support my time working at a local non-profit counseling center.

Other stars


Předplatné vám poskytuje:
  • Přístup k obsahu profilu Star.
  • Schopnost podpořit vaši hvězdu přispěním-jednorázovým nebo opakovaným.
  • Znamená oslovit hvězdu přímo pomocí Instant Messengeru.
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