CyberSpinePublishing profile
Cyberspine is an independent tabletop game company
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This tier is for people that just want to show their support. The core game, included in the Field Guide, will remain free so long as my subscribestar account remains online. Payments at this level will provide access to the Narrator Guide and Monsters Pt 1 and 2.

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I Want to Tell a Story

For individuals that want to support the future expansions to this game, this tier will provide access to expansions as they are completed as well as access to WIPs of future expansions.

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Well, it happened.

I was laid off from my job shortly after the last post. Since then I've been searching for another job and dedicating much of my time to doing so.

At the same time, however, I've been working on updating the rules.

The major updates this time focus on some housekeeping issues, such as including statistics for fists as well as rocks, amongst other things.

The biggest update, though, comes in the Narrator Manual. A revision of medical treatments was in order, sizing their costs to match the expected earnings for each player for each session. The systems for Chimerism and Gene Therapy were also revamped and folded into the racial advantages and disadvantages that already exist.

Negotiations with artists continue at this point, and we're working out deals for more art for the rulebooks.

I'll keep you posted as I continue to update the game. Thank you all for your patience.


  • This subscribe star account provides access to the latest versions of The Navarro Knight as well as their expansions.
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We've got a little treat for you all in the shape of updated character sheets.

With several things renamed, the old sheets would have some issues. These should avoid any unfortunate confusion.

A future update will focus reorganizing these sheets as well, possibly moving inventory to a third page. I'm still playing with ideas at this point.
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I'm still kicking, still working. I do want to provide an update regarding the game, as it has be...

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I hope everyone is settling in, doing well, taking care of themselves. I hope you're all also remembering to maintain social distance and wash your hands.

I've mentioned before that Cyberspine Publishing is just one guy, me, and I've been very fortunate to keep my job, temporary though it may be. So, I want to pass along my good fortune and do what I can to help you all in turn, even if that is simply keeping you all entertained.

I'll be attaching to this post the current edition of the rules as well as the setting for the upcoming expansion. The purpose of this game has not been to create a profit, it has been to create a gift to all of you, friends and strangers alike, that are fans of community storytelling, of getting together with friends, no matter how far, and spending time weaving a tale.

I wish you all good luck.

God bless.
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Been a while since the last update. I thought I'd give a bit of insight as to what's going on with the company.

At this time I'm looking for a publisher for the rulebook. So far Cyberspine has been a single-person endeavor. Everything from the rulebook to the artwork has either been written or commissioned by me.

As such I want to keep the project free, available for anyone to play whenever they see fit, but I also want to have a way to get it into the hands of the people who want to play it with ease.

So I'm debating options. I'm still working on the next book, which advances the timeline a little bit and creates the unique setting that a couple players have told me they're craving.

I'm continuing to update the previous rulebooks in the meantime. Right now there's a lot of streamlining to do, rules that work better in a strategic setting more than a heroic one and, as such, the rulebooks will be trimmed accordingly. Those rules will still exist, they'll just be placed in the expansion.
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We have exciting news!

Our next demonstration for our game will be happening Saturday, February 8th, at Dragons Lair at Alamo Ranch.

We look forward to seeing you all there.
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We're back at it!

After our hiatus for Christmas and New Years, we have returned to our grinstones and are churning away at new content.

Currently we are working on the largest continent of the expansion, The Basin, and all the possibilities it provides. Unlike other continents which consist of roughly a single biome or culture, The Basin is a realm of conflict that catches the runoff from these other realms.

It is also the lowest inhabited point of the Navarre. What lies beneath is another world entirely.
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A week ago we mentioned that we were modifying the way that vehicles take damage and attack characters. As a result we performed extensive maintenance and updates to those sections pertaining to them.

Unfortunately this means that we have had to drop Overframes for now. They will be making an appearance at a later date once they have been reworked to fit combat with the colossal beasts called Gargants.

Happy hunting, everyone.
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