Companion Wulf profile
Companion Wulf
Companion Wulf
I'm a game developer, notably for RPG Developer Bakin, for which I create tutorials and assets. I also live-stream various games.


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Companion Wulf

Fundraiser for Our Son's After-Care Medical

Our son was recently critically ill in hospital, with failed kidneys and a partial leg amputation. Although he's out of hospital now, the medical expenses not covered by insurance are mounting up.

You can donate via PayPal, but the money from subscriptions here will also contribute towards our goal.

Your support is greatly appreciated and we want to thank you for the continued prayers and your kind thoughts. Please help if you can. Every donation really does make a difference.

Free Assets Packs

$15+ Tier subscribers will be able to access my many of my old and new assets for free! At the moment, these are only for use in Smile Game Builder and RPG Developer Bakin (both by SmileBoom).

Over the course of the next few weeks, I'll release them one at a time. This will include the original Smile Game Builder assets and the same ones optimized for use in RPG Developer Bakin.

All the money raised will go towards the amount we need to cover these medical expenses until we reach our goal.

Game-Exclusive Assets

In addition, $15+ Tier subscribers will have exclusive access to assets from my RPG Developer Bakin game, The Explorer's Guild, which includes the Alchemist's Pack (from the Medieval Fantasy range) that I advertized, as well as many of my unreleased 3D models.

Discounts & Special Offers

$5+ Tier subscribers will receive regular discount offers on our paid projects, including game assets, short story anthologies, and novellas.

Планы подписки

в месяц
  • Our heartfelt thanks!
  • An honorable mention in future videos.
  • Access to beta releases and updates of my games/projects.
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в месяц
  • All perks from the previous Tier.
  • Access to "SubscribeStar Uniques" assets.
  • Exclusive access to patron only feeds here on SubscribeStar, such as artwork and short stories.
  • Exclusive tutorials and video content.
0 подписчиков
в месяц
  • All perks from previous Tiers.
  • Access to my assets packs available on for free.
  • Game-exclusive assets, notably from my RPG Developer Bakin game "The Explorer's Guild".
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в месяц
  • All perks from previous Tiers.
  • A unique quest-giving NPC bearing your name. You can write a simple quest outline yourself (if you want to).
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в месяц
  • A prodigious thank you!
  • All perks from previous Tiers.
  • Your name featured prominently in future games and videos.
0 подписчиков


  • Exclusive content, including videos, tutorials and graphics.
  • Exclusive subscriber only game assets (RPG Developer Bakin).
  • Exclusive freebies and game demos.
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Companion Wulf

Download Medieval Fantasy Fort Vol. 1

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Пост заблокирован прайс-планом $5, $15, $30, $50 .s
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Companion Wulf
Публичный пост

Watchtower - "Medieval Fantasy" Bakin Collection

The Forts Assets Pack (part of the "Medieval Fantasy Collection" for RPG Developer Bakin) is almost ready for release.

All parts are modular, designed to fit snugly together using Bakin's "Subgraphics" or normal placement on maps. That way you can have several variations of watchtowers. For example, a box frame tower with a short-walled open hut. Or you can add the tall-walled closed hut and have a roof on it.

This assets pack will be FREE to download exclusively for $15 Tier SubscribeStar patrons, with further add-ons- such as braziers, palisades, abatis and weapons racks - added regularly after the first set.

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Companion Wulf
Публичный пост

Coming Soon: The "Medieval Fantasy" RPG Developer Bakin Assets!

With my upcoming "Medieval Fantasy" range of RPG Developer Bakin assets, you will be able to build and enhance your maps for players to immerse themselves in captivating medieval fantasy realms!

These meticulously created assets seamlessly blend the essence of medieval aesthetics with enchanting elements from the realms of fantasy. Each detail is thoughtfully crafted to bring a perfect fusion of these two captivating worlds.

Exclusive Watchtower Assets for $25 Tiers!

We are thrilled to announce that our new Watchtower assets, featuring additional defensive walls, including walkways, abatis, and ditches. The watchtowers stand tall as beacons of strength and vigilance and the defenses fortify the realms and protecting them from looming threats for any mid-sized town.

They are modular to be able to create variations and will be exclusively available to our esteemed SubscribeStar supporters at the $25 tiers.

Become A SubscribeStar Patron to Unlock Exclusive Rewards!

By joining us on SubscribeStar, you gain access to a wealth of exclusive benefits. Not only will you secure these Watchtower assets, but you'll also receive regular updates, sneak peeks, and behind-the-scenes insights into the development of our medieval fantasy range.

Additionally, you will receive other benefits and perks.

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30 дней
 Период Доверия
9 постов


$0.00 of $500
per month
This is the amount I would need to maintain all of my websites (plus premium and exclusive game assets), purchase AAA games for live-streaming, and have a prize fund for exclusive giveaways.
$0.00 of $3,500
per month
This is the minimum amount I would need to focus on game development and content full-time. I would be able to quit my job (or reduce my hours).
до достижения
этой Цели
This will enable me to hire creators to help with designing games.

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