Yamhill Advocate profile
Yamhill Advocate
Yamhill Advocate
Independent reporter Carey Martell, editor for Yamhill Advocate. Your donations help cover operating costs for my newspaper and allow me to hire additional staff writers. https://www.yamhilladvocate.com/

Subscription Tiers

per month

You want to show your support for the Yamhill Advocate and help fund its operation costs with a $1 a month donation

10 subscribers
per month

You want to really help the funding of Yamhill Advocate by donating $5 a month.

14 subscribers
per month

You want to really help the funding of Yamhill Advocate by donating $10 a month.

8 subscribers
per month

You want to really help the funding of Yamhill Advocate by donating $20 a month.

3 subscribers
per month

You want to help the funding of Yamhill Advocate by donating $50 a month.

1 subscriber
per month

You want to help the funding of Yamhill Advocate by donating $100 a month.

0 subscribers


  • Your donations help cover operating costs for my newspaper and allow me to hire additional staff writers.

Star Stats

27 subscribers
85 posts


$164 of $2,880
per month
I project that it will cost $2,800 a month to take on an additional staff writer who can produce 12 articles a week. This will allow me to focus on the longer editorials and investigative reports.
$164 of $6,000
per month
I project it will cost around $3 per paper to print a 40 page full color newspaper for 250 readers. With delivery costs factored in alongside the cost to hire an additional staff writer, Yamhill Advocate needs monthly subscriber revenue of around $6,000 to break even on the production of a weekly print edition for delivery.

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