Bumper3241 profile
Hello! I'm Vance. I make memes and Clone Hero charts in my spare time!
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Subscription Tiers

per month
Basic support

Your support goes to any bills that I have to pay (Phone bill, Bus tickets so i can go to work, when I move out, then it'll be rent)

You also get my eternal gratitude, and your name in the description of any videos I upload after you donate

0 subscribers
per month
Great support

The same as basic, but you also get your name added to the end of the videos as well.

0 subscribers
per month
Basic Custom chart

Essentially a commission, on top of the other two tiers, you also may have a song of your choice professionally charted in Clone Hero for Expert Difficulty. Please try to DM me on Twitter @bumper3241 with a picture of your receipt.

0 subscribers
per month
Advanced custom chart

On top of the two donation tiers, you also get a song of your choice charted professionally into Clone Hero with all 4 difficulty options available! Please try to DM me @bumper3241 on Twitter with a picture of your receipt, and please allow up to 4-7 days for the chart to be completed.

0 subscribers


  • My eternal gratitude,
  • A description shoutout
  • an end-of-video shout out, and even custom Clone Hero charts!
Public post

Hey everyone!

I want to start off with saying; I got approved! This is an absolute honour, and I'm glad I can join the ranks of other creators on this website!

I also want to apologize for the lack of posts. I've been extremely busy, datamining Dark Cloud 2. If you want to commission a chart, I'll still be able to do it, and I'll upload a video of it as well! Thank you very much for understanding, and I hope you'll consider supporting me!

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Public post

Hello World!

I'll start by posting my latest chart to set an example of the work that I do, and the quality of work you can expect when you donate/commission work from me! I'll try to update you all on whenever I post a new chart, and I might even make Subscriber Exclusive charts as well (Don't count on that, though). Thank you all very much, and have a good day!


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  • Access to Star's profile content.
  • Ability to support your Star by contributing – one-time or recurring.
  • Means to reaching out to the Star directly via Instant Messenger.
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