Bruce Lombardo's RPG Page profile
Bruce Lombardo's RPG Page
Bruce Lombardo's RPG Page
I'm a fan of table top role playing games, and I don't believe you should go to the poor house trying to follow your hobby on occasion.

Subscription Tiers

per month
I'm interested in what you can do, Bruce

For those that know my content, that I've met at countless tables over the years, I have a inkling that your gray matter will provide my friends some good times, whether or not we are laughing at you cobbling together an overly complex RPG, or if your game would actually work for the table of players that I have.

SubscribeStar $1.00 tier
per month
Hosted monthly game

Ten dollar a month subscribers gain access to a monthly game I’m running set in the Lost Lands, the campaign setting home to The Slumbering Tsar Saga, and Rappan Athuk. These sessions will be a minimum of four hours of game time, plus, and hosted on my Youtube site (or if on some other service, I will port those subscribers to that location).

Limited (0 out of 6) subscriptions
SubscribeStar $10.00 tier


  • My thanks. While things settle down for me, I'm looking forward to getting private stream table top play ready for my online players.
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