brokentoyland profile
Art by Valery Milovic.

Subscription Tiers

per month
Tier 1

Tier 1 is for people who want to support my art at a cost of about 2 venti lattes or 2 packs of smokes, a month :) Much appreciated.

per month
Tier 2

Tier 2 will offer instant access to my newest creations, updates on sales, plus you will receive a small, original art gift from me, once a month.

per month
Tier 3

Tier 3 is for superstar givers who really want to help and have the means to. These folks will receive a art gift from me for each month they subscribe. You will also have access to all the new art before it goes on other social media. You'll be notified of sales and discounts, like in Tier 2. Much appreciated.



  • You'll have access to my newest creations the moment they're available. And if you are Tier 2 or 3, you will receive art gifts from me every month you're a subscriber.. Or if you opt for Tier 2, you will have access to my newest art, info about sales and reduced prices, and you will receive an original art gift from me, monthly

The subscription gives you:
  • Access to Star's profile content.
  • Ability to support your Star by pledging – one-time or recurring.
  • Means to reaching out to the Star directly via Instant Messenger.


to reach
All the big social media platforms are censoring creators. Unless of course they hold to the same exact belief system as the heads of those giant, multi billion dollar corps. As a result of their shadowbanning, my income has plummeted. I'm only looking to supplement enough to get by each month on the bare minimum. So my goal is between 155 and 200. More is always welcome.

Other stars


The subscription gives you:
  • Access to Star's profile content.
  • Ability to support your Star by pledging – one-time or recurring.
  • Means to reaching out to the Star directly via Instant Messenger.
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