Brandon Warr profile
Brandon Warr
Brandon Warr
Incorporating a Vintage style and sound, the Music of Brandon Warr will take you from the heights of the classic Rockabilly rhythms to the depth of the Blues, all with a straight-forward simplicity and razor-sharp focus.

Subscription Tiers

per month

This Monthly support provides acces to my SubscribeStar feed and First looks at future projects!

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per month
Fan Tier

Exclusive access to Fan Club Merch as well as all the perks of Tier 1.

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per month
Super Fan

All perks from previous tiers PLUS discounts on Live performances, exclusive merch and Entry into a Monthly Rockabilly crate drawing.

0 subscribers
per month
Ramblin' Fan

All previous perks and a quarterly Skype hangout performance with Q&A!

0 subscribers
per month

Help me produce my content and get your name in the production credits of everything I do plus all previous tiers.

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per month
Greaser at Large

Schedule a Live performance at your choice of venue once every 6 months of continuous support at this tier level.

NOTE: This tier only available to residents of the USA. Venues must be within the USA. All performance decisions made final solely at the discretion of Brandon Warr.

0 subscribers


  • Exclusive Video Updates from ongoing and future projects.
  • Chance to Produce future albums!
  • Chance to host a Live Performance!

Star Stats

1 post


to reach
the Goal
Trying to produce content, especially Music, is challenging. This goal will help me take care of the basic needs to produce high quality music without having to go into debt.

Other stars

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