Sorting Myself Out profile
Sorting Myself Out
Sorting Myself Out
Sorting Myself Out is a YouTube Channel that features podcasts, video presentations, recorded sessions with audience members, interviews with teachers, guides, and experts as well as personal reflections.

Subscription Tiers

per month
$4.99 Per Month

Pledge $4.99 a month

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per month

Dontate $9.99 Per Month

0 subscribers
per month
$19.99 per month

Pledge $19.99 per month

0 subscribers
per month
$50 per Month

Pledge $50 pet month

0 subscribers
per month
$75 per Month

Pledge $75 a Month

0 subscribers


  • We provide all our content for free. We also have regular sessions with the audience in order to support them in sorting themselves out. Any support is much appreciated.
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